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Thread: Looking for a Melbourne mechanic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Glenorie, NSW
    Users Country Flag

    Looking for a Melbourne mechanic

    I'm looking for a Melbourne mechanic to check out a Golf 2001 convertible that I'm thinking of buying. Trouble is I live in Sydney but I think this car is worth looking at as it is 1 lady owner (really!) and 70,000km only. Car is in Armadale. I have looked stuff up via the internet and it seems that all the mechanic around that area charge about $250-300 to do a pre-purchase check (not much difference between them all).
    I want to get some who knows stuff (and has a computer interface) to check it out before I make the effort of going to Melbourne!!
    The person (Andreas) I spoke to at German Autohaus in Richmond was helpful , so I'm just wondering if anyone has any comments on the place? It is located relatively close to where the car is and of course I have to get the owner to take the car to a garage. I have read goo things on the net about Volkswerke but it is farther away from the car.
    Hoping someone can help!!!
    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Try volkspower too. They are in Burwood, not too far from Armadale. Good guys, albeit sometimes short on the phone (They're usually flat out fixing stuff)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Glenorie, NSW
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Thanks for that NoFidelity. Spoke to Carl who was fine, thou not talkative . Best of all they are $110 for a pre purchase check. Hope it is the same as the rest of the mechanics do .... if you are not there, how do you tell?


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