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Thread: A/C compressor for 1997 VR6

  1. #1
    MadMarcus Guest

    A/C compressor for 1997 VR6

    Hi guys,

    I stumbled across this site on a Google search. I have had a 1997 VR6 since 2000 and I had several expensive problems with it when I first bought it, however things had been good for 18 months or so until....

    I tried to start it the other day and it made this incredible loud noise! My mechanic said that it is the air conditioning compressor and he has quoted me $1,700 to have it reconditioned, reinstalled, regassed etc.

    Is this a fair price? Or do any of you know where I can get it done cheaper around the upper north shore (Hornsby) area? I noticed carpoid recommended Mark Hammond in Brookvale. I will give him a call and ask for a quote but does anyone know anywhere closer?

    I'm glad I found a site where hopefully I will be able to learn a bit more about my car... I love my VR6 but I must say it's burnt a hole in my pocket over the past 6 years.

  2. #2
    brackie Guest


    Yeah, Marc.. I'd be mad too if I got a quote like that

    Any aircon repairs tend to be expensive no matter what make of car you have. This is the old, old story of, "We've got something you haven't..." In other words a regas station. pm Golf Loon as he's wrecking a VR6 and may have a compressor but remember that ultimately you'll have to fit a new receiver/drier and have the system vacced down and regassed. There's no way out of that. Im a dairy farmer and every time I have to repair one my milk vats it costs me $750 just to have it regassed.

    Once done I hope you get to enjoy your car
    Last edited by brackie; 04-09-2006 at 05:45 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I have got a compressor for you $150. But you will still need the system regassed and new seals at least, probably another $150-200

    Welcome to our online community, hope you stick around. What part of Sydney are you from?
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  4. #4
    Normally you shouldn't have to replace the receive dryer.
    Some manufacturers state that you can leave them open to the atmosphere for upto 24 hours.
    BMW's can be left open for upto 24 hours as well for repair work.

    They also state that if the A/C has contaminated refrigerent by metal filing's/shaving (from a stuffed A/C compressor), the A/C system is leaking or has lost refrigerent then the receiver dryer must be replaced.

    So judging by the way you described it, I would replace it.

    If you good with tool's I'd get a auto elec's to de-gas the system, then I would replace the parts required(either leave the A/C drive belt off or don't turn the A/C on for the drive back) & take it back to have it vac'd down, have some new oil put in, gas it up & check the pressures & temp.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I can get a new one fitted and gassed for around $1k

  6. #6
    MadMarcus Guest

    More issues...

    Just got another call from my mechanic. It seems I also need the following:-

    1. New control unit for ABS;
    2. Automatic transmission service;
    3. Various hoses are leaking and need to be replaced...

    Loon, do you have an ABS control unit?

    Also, I really need to find someone to get all these things done (within budget)! Carpoid, how do I get into contact with Mark Hammond?

    Bug_racer, where can you get the a/c compressor done for $1K? Is it new or reconditioned? Warranty?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I have no ABS control unit at the moment. Do you still want a compressor?

    Most VR6 Autos I have seen have pretty tired Autos. And lots have non working ABS too. Just got to that age I think.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
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    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737

  8. #8
    MadMarcus Guest
    Mate I'm thinking of selling the VR6. Rego is due now too, just trying to work out what I should get fixed before I sell. I'm thinking I will buy your a/c compressor, get it fixed as cheaply as possible and trade it in unregistered. From what I hear fixing the ABS can be very costly. I have no idea what they will offer me for a trade...

    I will get back to you with an answer on the a/c compressor during the week. Its a shame because I'd like to keep the car, I just have a feeling that it will cost me more and more $ as it gets older and I'm not mechanically minded.

    Do you think anyone on here might be interested in the car? Or do you think I'd be better off just trading it in?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadMarcus
    Mate I'm thinking of selling the VR6. Rego is due now too, just trying to work out what I should get fixed before I sell. I'm thinking I will buy your a/c compressor, get it fixed as cheaply as possible and trade it in unregistered. From what I hear fixing the ABS can be very costly. I have no idea what they will offer me for a trade...

    I will get back to you with an answer on the a/c compressor during the week. Its a shame because I'd like to keep the car, I just have a feeling that it will cost me more and more $ as it gets older and I'm not mechanically minded.

    Do you think anyone on here might be interested in the car? Or do you think I'd be better off just trading it in?
    post it up in the classifieds with some photos and a price and a list of probs and there might be someone interested!
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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Melbourne - Greensborough

    you can get the abs modules reconditioned, which is alot cheaper, i think there around $1000+ from volkswagen brand new, not sure how much to get reco'd but i know its under $500. This is in melbourne anyway.
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