A big thanks and a high recommendation goes to Michael at the CVWC at Tuggeranong here in the ACT, for his help and generosity in sourcing a waterpump for the Little Beastie. I hope this is the beginning of a turn around in fortunes for Seb and myself I the car reliability department. Part two starts 8am Monday for Pete at Belconnen CVWC to fix the remaining problems, so that I can have trouble free motoring. Although, I still might join the NRMA.What do you guys here at the forum think about NRMA road service is it worth it.
Last edited by vinderliker; 13-12-2007 at 05:53 PM.
Old Skool Passat Power Rules!!!
1974 Passat LS with a SEAT 1.8, 32/36 Weber, full performance exhaust and a K&N filter. 80kw at the wheels??
Pete Shelley(CVWC Belconen) just tuned the Qpeng ecu in my ibiza 1.8t. Several workshops in Sydney i talked to had no idea about it and had no interest in looking at it. The only advice they gave was "get a microtec". Spoke to Pete and he was happy to have a look. Fixed it within a week. Great bloke, very helpful.