Check your fuses first.
Hi, My Mk2 air cond is totally dead. Compressor is not spinning, of course not cold at allLuckily I didn't need to drive on that 45C day.
Any recommended air cond repairer in Sydney Hills district or Parramatta area ?
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Check your fuses first.
Use a test probe (test light with a sharp point on it) and carefully penetrate the insulation on wire going to your compressor. Make sure the fan is on and the a/c is switched on first! If the test light goes on then the compressor's getting power and it's probably the magnetic clutch at fault. Also check that the compressor body is properly earthed. My Peugeot was getting power to the compressor but even though it was bolted to the block the earth was bad. I put on an extra earth wire and the clutch engaged right away.
Nice guys, sounds cheaper than a new compressor.
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All Mechanical Work, Log book Servicing, New and used Parts and Imports
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02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737
i had a problem with my relay, when the air con was on and the fan kicked into high speed on a hot day my fuse would blow every single time. Went to an auto elect place they installed a high amp relay, and the problem was fixed.