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Thread: Windscreen Wipers Skipping / Shuddering / Squeaking

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Quote Originally Posted by chylld View Post
    was it chatter/skipping noisy? or did they run smooth?

    my new R has skipping blades, most prominently at the lower right of the windscreen i.e. right in front of me. when it rains heavily (as it did yesterday) they seem to run smooth. should i just let it run its course and hope it becomes totally smooth?
    Just an update, washed my windscreen and rear window with meguiar's gold class (i think that's what it's called) and no more shuddering at all - love it (also wiped down the blades with wet tissues)
    Current: MY18 Golf R 7.5 DSG - FOR SALE
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  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by kash_0 View Post
    Anyone notice shuddering with the rear wiper with constant use. It will wipe the first few just fine but after maybe the 5-6th one it will start shuddering, anyone have a similar experience?
    Yeah this started happening to me about 2 months ago..

    The 'shuddering' happens pretty much right away.. But as long as there's no streaks and it's cleaning the glass I'm fine with it.. I can see how it'd annoy people though.. It doesn't sound healthy..

    Quote Originally Posted by chylld View Post
    Just an update, washed my windscreen and rear window with meguiar's gold class (i think that's what it's called) and no more shuddering at all - love it (also wiped down the blades with wet tissues)
    Ah.. Might give that a go on the rear glass/wiper as well. Cheers!
    captain courteous enjoys vag

  3. #63
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    Recently noticed in my R that when the wipers are on, my left window wiper stops about 2” short from the bottom on the way down, only to fall all the way some seconds later? Like it’s getting caught but there’s nothing there??

    Can anyone confirm whether this happens to them too???

    I recently flagged this with the dealer when having the R serviced and they said its normal – Somehow I don’t believe them.

    Appreciate anyone’s input.
    GOLF R Stage 2+

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by masev View Post
    Recently noticed in my R that when the wipers are on, my left window wiper stops about 2” short from the bottom on the way down, only to fall all the way some seconds later? Like it’s getting caught but there’s nothing there??
    My R does exactly the same thing. I think it was mentioned earlier in the thread that it was some sort of method to reduce wear?

    I just find it annoying since my wipers (tho smooth now) are still bloody noisy on each change of direction
    Current: MY18 Golf R 7.5 DSG - FOR SALE
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  5. #65
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    This is a feature, whilst the wipers are active they sit just above the bonnet line , when not in use they tuck themselves below the bonnet line.
    Current Ride: MY 16 Daytona Pearl Grey Audi S3- Performance Pack 1, Sunroof and Driver assist

  6. #66
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    It seems to happen when they are on but maybe that's because it's on auto/sensor mode? I'll see if it happens when I push the wiper stalk down the next time it rains.

    Thanks guys
    GOLF R Stage 2+

  7. #67
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    masev - it's perfectly normal operation. Volkswagen cars have done this for years. My MKV Golf was identical. The dealer is correct in this case

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilvrFoxX View Post
    This is a feature, whilst the wipers are active they sit just above the bonnet line , when not in use they tuck themselves below the bonnet line.
    Confirmed, I've noticed mine doing this when I turn off the engine, they tuck themselves down irrespective of whether or not it's been raining.
    MY10 Golf MkVI 103TDI United Grey

  9. #69
    Join Date
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    Robina, QLD
    Anyone had this windscreen shuddering resolved with their dealers? I regularly (daily) clean my windscreen with a wet microfibre towel to remove stuck on debris and use a clean microfibre + auto glass cleaner to clean the glass. I then finish it off with a Chux glass microfibre towel (Woolworths) for the final polish.

    I have tried RainX brand auto glass cleaner, I have tried Meguiars - both doesn't stop the shuddering. The Meguiar's cleaner has a funny smell to it but it seems to clean better though.

    Mine shudders on the way back to its stored position, never shudders on the first stroke - always the second stroke. Windscreen wiper fluid + additive (from dealer) works to stop the shuddering but I'm going to need a LOT of wiper fluid for heavy rain.

    I have a theory - since I park my car during the day outside in the sun, the heat from the glass during the day might have done something to the side of the rubber that is working on the second stroke.

  10. #70
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    A few things you could try are:

    - 303 Wiper Treatment

    - Using a clay bar to remove the really stuck on contaminants

    - Polishing the glass with a glass polish

    The friendly peeps from Car Care Products will help you out with any of these.
    08 Golf GTI - SOLD

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