loginto ebay and search on this 190632271330
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loginto ebay and search on this 190632271330
Current Ride: MY 16 Daytona Pearl Grey Audi S3- Performance Pack 1, Sunroof and Driver assist
He will consider a GB
8VSS2L/16 E9E9 XG MP SPP1 4ZD 6XK CSC5P with an extra free 10kW
Well put off your order and construct a GB and get a better deal
Current Ride: MY 16 Daytona Pearl Grey Audi S3- Performance Pack 1, Sunroof and Driver assist
hello all,
i"m searching (fruitlessly so far) for a thread on buying and installing a Mk VI GTi paddleshift steering wheel into my Mk VI 118TSi 7 sp DSG.
I've heard its been done but can't find actual thread... can you help?
Here's the install guide - DIY replace DSG paddle shifters
I recommend the ST2 paddles....
GOLF R Stage 2+
He can't replace the shifters if he doesn't have any to begin with (which is what I think he wants)
Here's the thread: http://www.vwwatercooled.org.au/foru...uan-56968.html
thanks guys
Last edited by sbowden; 17-06-2012 at 02:36 PM.
hi Ryan_R,
is this the wheel you bought? I suppose the paddle shifters need to be "wired" to talk the my 118's gearbox... does that wiring come with the wheel.
I'll have to source a specialist to fit... not skilled enough myself. Is there a part of VWWatercooled where i can search Nthn NSW & Gold Coast for specialists who can handle this job?
Last edited by sbowden; 17-06-2012 at 02:44 PM. Reason: put in link!