If it were me personally, I'd stick with the Kia for the duration of your contract, and upgrade when you're back in Perth. The Kia will have depreciated quite a bit by now anyway, and so selling won't be a pleasant exercise. And as it won't be worth much, you won't feel bad about the dust, poor quality fuel, and potentially hit-and-miss servicing the car may receive. And if you get a decent amount for it when you sell it, it'll be a bonus.
I'm sure a Golf would be fine in remote areas (build quality is good) and in high-heat (the turbos may suffer from significant heat-soak however), but I would be specifically concerned about fuel, specific servicing demands (the need for appropriate diagnostic equipment, etc etc), and the potential difficulty of obtaining parts. Not to mention the fact that no-one wants to subject a nice new car to harsh conditions.