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Thread: Volkswagen Assist

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
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    Volkswagen Assist

    So.. buying my GTI from Camberwell Volks, about 2 months down the track I got this fancy booklet carton box in the mail, which when slide open reveal the information about the Volkswagen Assist & a member card on it...

    Anyone used them? How do they fared with RACV Road Assist? I know most of the cars will have their number stickered on the wind screen?

    Reason I asked is our RACV Road ASsist only covers the mrs RAV4, and I haven't signed up the GTI on it, whether it's just not really worth it since the GTI is 'covered' under Volkswagen Assist...?

  2. #2
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    The manufacturer assist programs are better than NRMA/RACV I think.

    I have had a Renault, Alfa and Peugeot... All their assistant programs were great... Especially with the Alfa, it was towed a lot!!

    They come and change flat tyres for you... Something I appreciate if I am in a suit going to and from work.

    They typically just call the closest mobile mechanic/tow truck. They have always been there in 30 mins or less. NRMA/RACV... you could be there for hours.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ratedr View Post
    Especially with the Alfa, it was towed a lot!!
    LOL - yeah, tell me about it... my brother in law used to have an Alfa, wasn't a very good example of the motoring industry! Took ages to sell too...

  4. #4
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    Jun 2010
    I had an Alfa too (156), and I can confirm their Roadside assist was very good and used often.

    The book in that fancy box (I hope I wasn't the only one who took ages to work out how to open it) lists everything they cover you for, it's a fairly extensive list!
    2010 MY10 Golf R (Sold) - 5 Door, DSG, Rising Blue, Leather, ACC, Satnav, Dynadio, Sunroof, MDI, Electric Seat.
    2015 MY16 Golf GTI - 5 Door, DSG, Carbon Grey, Leather, Sunroof, DAP.

  5. #5
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    Guys, this thread would be much more useful if people concentrate on their experiences with Volkswagen Assist, and not Alfa or other competitors assist programs!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by HPSOV View Post
    I had an Alfa too (156), and I can confirm their Roadside assist was very good and used often.

    The book in that fancy box (I hope I wasn't the only one who took ages to work out how to open it) lists everything they cover you for, it's a fairly extensive list!
    Who do they (alfa) outsource it too? I wouldn't think they'd do it inhouse...
    I read somewhere else volks often outsource it to mondial assist or similar...

  7. #7
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    Jul 2005
    Have used it twice before . First time was years ago with our cabrio. Had picked up car on sat from dealer after having window regulators replaced and on the Sunday we were heading to a vw show, pulled in for petrol and fuel release did not work neither did the boot release. Called assist and they had a tray truck there in about 15 minutes. Was initially told he would tow it to dealer( who wasn't open as it was Sunday) but then the tow truck guy tested all the fuses then discovered they hadn't plugged the wires into the door switches when they put the door back together. Problem fixed. Second time they gave me advice over the phone that solved the problem. So am happy with their response when I've needed them
    1974 1300 Beetle, 1997 Golf GL, 2003 New Beetle Cabrio, 2014 Audi A4 quattro

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ratedr View Post
    They have always been there in 30 mins or less. NRMA/RACV... you could be there for hours.
    Received my 'fancy box' yesterday and I am hoping VW Roadside Assist is as good as some of you have suggested. Didn't bother to renew my RACWA Roadside Assistance for the same reason ratedr mentioned (same in WA), they take ages. I once had to wait from 8am till 3pm for them to come and change a battery!!! Took the first guy 3hrs+ (11:30am) to come and diagnos the problem then another 3hrs+ for the next guy to come with batteries. Fortunately I was stuck at home!
    [MK6 GTI MY11 CW 3-door DSG Sunroof Detroits Dark Tint R LEDs APR Stage 1 (regrettably a few years late)]

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Brisbane - QLD
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    As far as I'm aware, VW assist subcontract to RACQ in QLD. Ive had RACQ roadside assist for 20 years now and have never had a bad experience.
    Have always been prompt and effective. Haven't had to use VW assist yet (touch wood)
    Current drive:2016 Golf GTI 40 Years in Pure White

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Newcastle Area

    I found VW Assist pretty good when my car broke down in Sydney, even with it was found the fault was not as a result of warranty I wasnt expected to pay the towing costs. Sadly I cannot say they same about VW Australia or the gutless dealership responsible for my car breaking down

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