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You'll instantly know if Launch Control has engaged properly. S or M mode on the DSG, then ESP off, and left foot on brake - when you then rev it will rev like it is out of gear (up to its programmed limit - 3000 rpm in a GTI), you should feel NO pulling or edging forward to go like holding a conventional auto against the brake. If it does, lift right off the throttle and then apply throttle again. It should rev cleanly - once you are at the RPM you want let off the break. After a small pause (< 1/2 sec) it should dump the clutch for you and go.
If you rev with ESP ON, and left foot on the brake, the ECU is programmed to not allow the car to rev - you cannot left foot brake and accelerate in a DSG, although I believe there are coding changes that can be made to change that for track work. In that left foot brake, right foot throttle, ESP on scenario, you are doing the equivalent in a manual car trying to let the clutch out whilst holding the brake. Not good.