No - Would seem it that it is a pre requisite for the mag clutch to be engaged for the flap to close. So when it is disabled, no clutch and therefore no flap action.Not exactly - But I can disable it too. I sometimes get the chirp too. I was only able to identify it after downloading a sound recording of it from erwin. To me it is a non event, however I appreciate how it could bug others.
Sorry - Nope not yet. Bit much time and effort has gone into finding them. Want to chat with the Ross-Tech guys first but will prolly make the whole label file avail soonish. Yeah I would not be holding your breath on a fix anytime soon.
Anyway here is the XLS log. Again, like some of the other stuff I have posted, it highlights how briefly the SCharger actually runs for. Typically the Magnetic Clutch is engaged for 2 or 3 seconds at a time. Three minute drive at varied speeds, I think it runs about Ten times. Also records the torque commands from the gearbox as it often intervenes. Unfortunately the sample rate is ~ 1/sec. A trade off between sample rate and logged blocks.
Charger Log