ahh yes, i remember reading the line from VW HQ in regard to the sound. quite sure it has been posted somewhere in this very thread (i'm not wading back through the pages to find it).
i believe it was along the lines that logger mentioned --> and concluded the engineering side was not effected. ie: no loss of power functionality or longevity of parts. The ONLY reason they are trying to find a fix is because people don't like the sound.
imagine how unpopular TDI engines would be if sound alone was such a contributing factor (i actually love the truck noise combined with turbo whistle).
while i do understand some may NOT like the sound --> my GT Sport is one of those cars where on a quiet stretch i wind the windows down and turn the radio off just so i CAN hear all the squealing, whistling and exhaust farting (DSG up shifting)!!!!
Current - MY16 2015 Octavia VRS Wagon 220 tsi DSG Corrida Red, tech, Leather, 18" black
SOLD - 2008 United Grey GT Sport TSI DSG