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Thread: Trying to remove hatch liner to replace Latch on MK 6 Golf

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Maroochydore Queensland
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    Trying to remove hatch liner to replace Latch on MK 6 Golf

    Even with a set of pry tools I am finding it difficult to remove the hatch liner to gain access to the latch mechanism so that I can replace it. Any clues? I think that I must have to remove the whole hatch panel to do it. . Any help from anyone close to Maroochydore would be appreciated if you have the time. Cheers-John

  2. #2
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    Pacific Paradise QLD
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suncoaster View Post
    Even with a set of pry tools I am finding it difficult to remove the hatch liner to gain access to the latch mechanism so that I can replace it. Any clues? I think that I must have to remove the whole hatch panel to do it. . Any help from anyone close to Maroochydore would be appreciated if you have the time. Cheers-John
    This might help Go to page 233 straight off

    I know its for the 2009 but they and the Polo are much the same

    The latches are about $30 on Ebay and $123 from a stealer so I used the Ebay one and it was identical in all ways to the one I removed. and no you cant get it apart to replace the sensor switch which is the problem
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  3. #3
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    Thanks Hillbilly, I eventually removed enough of the liner to access the latch and replace it with one from the dealer -$180.00- unfortunately. This car spends a fair bit of it's life in carparks etc, and I couldn't take the risk of waiting for one to arrive. A tiresome job and I still can't get one clip back into place, but I've run out of patience for the day. Anyway, there's a certain satisfaction in having done it as the dealer probably would have charged at least an hours labour. When I was at Cricks this morning they advised that their is a three week wait for service/repair bookings; so good thing then that I did a DIY job. Cheers-John

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suncoaster View Post
    Thanks Hillbilly, I eventually removed enough of the liner to access the latch and replace it with one from the dealer -$180.00- unfortunately. This car spends a fair bit of it's life in carparks etc, and I couldn't take the risk of waiting for one to arrive. A tiresome job and I still can't get one clip back into place, but I've run out of patience for the day. Anyway, there's a certain satisfaction in having done it as the dealer probably would have charged at least an hours labour. When I was at Cricks this morning they advised that their is a three week wait for service/repair bookings; so good thing then that I did a DIY job. Cheers-John
    Youve got too much money and I got mine in a week from wherever in AUS What was wrong with it. Usual problem is the micro switch which doesnt affect its locking ability. Jast year the price was $123 so you got stiffed
    Last edited by Guest001; 03-06-2022 at 05:40 PM.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Maroochydore Queensland
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    Stiffed no doubt, picked it up at Crick's Maroochydore. It wouldn't lock at all, so couldn't leave it on the street or in carparks with the vehicle unlocked. I'll have to look at it as theft insurance. Cheers-John

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