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I'd expect that driving in Sport mode will just annoy you very quickly. In my experience, it'll rev higher than is comfortable for everyday driving. AFAIK, higher engine speeds aren't what you should be aiming for during the early stages of run-in, but rather varying the engine speed regularly, to ensure matching/consistent/smooth surfaces between the various moving parts.
Push the lever to manual and do the gear shifting yourself from time to time. Drive the car gently but don't baby it completely, and if you're cruising along straight stretches of road without undulations (for variation in engine load), or changes in engine speed, then just shift down a gear or two for a couple of minutes, and then shift back. Rinse. Repeat.
I'm only going to be doing the above for the first couple of thousand km before I pay less attention to it; by that stage the parts should have machined to each other nicely. Then it'll be time to start increasing the maximum engine speed and throttle load. By 5,000km I'll probably give it the full welly occasionally.