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Thread: Tips for breaking in a brand new engine?

  1. #331
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteJames View Post
    30,000km service has come up with Golf GTI now 18 months old. So far no oil used
    Hmmm. By my calculation, you had 4.6L in there from the factory, 4.6L in there from the 1st service and now another 4.6L in there from the 2nd service, so that's 13.8L used.

    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteJames View Post
    Correct me if I'm wrong - I think the only GTI's using oil are the chipped up versions that are driven on the track.
    You're sorta wrong. It's not whether it's chipped or not, it's how well the car handles and how well the driver can drive. It's the G-forces of cornering on a racetrack which causes the issue with oil in GTI's. It has been corrected in newer production, but your GTI would also be affected by this. However, the issue is only on the track. Driving around on the roads, and they're "fine".

  2. #332
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    Every combustion engine will burn some oil. The hotter it gets, more of the oil will be burned.

    Also, if you change the oil every 7,500km you will find out that you don't need to top up as often and engine will stay in a better condition for longer, burning less oil through its life. But you will use more oil regardles of the driving conditions because you will do more oil changes.

  3. #333
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    Hi, I've read a lot here and there. I've got a question. A very simple answer will do.

    To run in the engine, do I drive it in S or M(more aggressive than S).

    Many thanks!!

  4. #334
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    Drive it like you stole it - S Mode.

  5. #335
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    Quote Originally Posted by cavinsoo View Post
    Hi, I've read a lot here and there. I've got a question. A very simple answer will do.

    To run in the engine, do I drive it in S or M(more aggressive than S).

    Many thanks!!
    D until the the engine warms up, then S or M at your discretion, depending on the traffic conditions and/or likelihood of police presence.

  6. #336
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    ... and using common sense, too.

  7. #337
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    I think even if I was meant to drive like a Nanna for the first 1000km's there would be absolutely no chance of me doing this!! I would give myself about 100m from the dealership before I was flicking the shifter to M and seeing if it is possible to put my right boot through the firewall!!

  8. #338
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    Given not one person in this thread supplies the warranty on your engine i would suggest following the manufactirers recommendations when running an engine in, which is drive it normally for 1500klms. Not rape it like some suggest

    I have run in my Tiguan for 1500klms now and it goes very well and uses no oil. I ran my old S3 in the same way and it went very well and used no oil either. The whole babying an engine turns it into a slow car is all old school myth

    Obviously raping it from day one doesnt harm the engine, but good luck if something breaks as i believe the logs the ECU take will only prove you were driving it against the dealers advice for running in an engine and may void a warranty. We all know they will get out of fixing anything if they can do so

  9. #339
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    Warranty has nothing to do with the dealer.

    The warranty is not void if you do not use the suggested run in process - there is no requirement by the manufacturer implied or stated.
    8VSS2L/16 E9E9 XG MP SPP1 4ZD 6XK CSC5P with an extra free 10kW

  10. #340
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    Quote Originally Posted by ido09s View Post
    Given not one person in this thread supplies the warranty on your engine i would suggest following the manufactirers recommendations when running an engine in, which is drive it normally for 1500klms. Not rape it like some suggest
    Although I do advocate the run-in method as stated in the owner's manual, I also believe that a 'hard' run-in won't really harm the engine either.

    It's a mass produced road engine for Joe Public - they're not that delicate.

    Quote Originally Posted by ido09s View Post
    I have run in my Tiguan for 1500klms now and it goes very well and uses no oil. I ran my old S3 in the same way and it went very well and used no oil either.
    You are very fortunate indeed!

    Quote Originally Posted by ido09s View Post
    The whole babying an engine turns it into a slow car is all old school myth
    I agree. If the responses on this forum are anything to go by, there is no substantial link to that and the choice of run-in method.

    In regards to the VAG engine oil consumption problem, I believe that is mainly due to a fault in the construction/production process.

    Quote Originally Posted by ido09s View Post
    Obviously raping it from day one doesnt harm the engine, but good luck if something breaks as i believe the logs the ECU take will only prove you were driving it against the dealers advice for running in an engine and may void a warranty. We all know they will get out of fixing anything if they can do so
    The dealer would have no grounds to deny a warranty claim based on one's run-in method - even if it were logged by the ECU (which I highly doubt is the case).

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