Originally Posted by
That's fine if you believe that.
Personally, I don't subscribe to the concept of break-in period. Just drive it as you would normally and that includes redlining it at times. If there is any manufacturing issues, I would want it to surface while in warranty not afterwards.
What makes you think the "new" car hasn't been driven hard by handlers while being moved around "in-transit".
Look its fair enough if you dont believe in that concept, as I said each to their own. I mean look at police, I must be top of their list as a killer, the amounts of times I've found myself being say 1km/h over is amazing....but to others so what!
The handlers dont drive them hard, they move them about 30-40m off the truck. I know that as I used to be one before I moved into the workshop.
"Some people dream of achieving greatness, other people get out of bed and do it"