Don't forget the engine bay needs some airflow around local hot spots but if you are doing short distances and driving gently it should be OK. How about not using the cabin heater :bit-frozen:
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For info I watched the temps on my drive home from work this morning. Car had been parked outside all night, I drove home at 6:30am when it was 10 degrees outside.
It took the water 7 minutes to settle on 90.
It took the oil 7 minutes to reach 50, 9 to reach 60, 11 to reach 70 and 13 to reach 80. The oil peaked at 84 on the 27 minute drive.
This matches my experience of the R in that it operates in colder temp range than the GTI (around 5-10 degrees) and due to its heavy duty oil cooler set up the oil temperature drops far quicker when hot.
Yesterday I did the RNP and Macquarie Pass run in the GTI to help the run in process and had a ball. :banana:
Going up Macquarie Pass and keeping to a 5000 rpm limit saw the oil temp go from 96 degrees to 105 degrees max - this was whilst having plenty of fun in the bends but sticking mainly to 3rd gear. :driver:
To all the Watercooled users who live in Melbourne and purchased their vehicle from Philip in the ACT (also to the rest of you who know these roads better).
Which route did you go, via the Hume Hwy/Hume Fwy or via Monaro Hwy/Princes Hwy? Are there better alternatives/side roads (sealed is prefarable, do not want gravel/stone chips) which will better for breaking in the engine?
Just trying to plan out my preferred route. Any discussions and suggestions would be appreciated.
Actually - there some AWESOME roads in the Snowy Mountain area heading out via the Monaro Hwy. WhiteJames seems to have a good grasp of "driving roads" even in the ACT, so maybe he can help.
I remember I once exited Canberra heading south on the Monaro Hwy, then went across the Snowy Mountains over a beautiful road across the top of a dam and then some how still made my way through the North entry to Albury Wodonga. Unfortunately it is back in the day before GPS or google maps and I was literally just "driving in the general direction" of Melbourne, lol :)
Some of these roads (teh ones that cut across the mtns off the Snowy Mtns Highway) will be (or could be!) shut during the snow season. Best to check on the National parks site.
If you just want to get back to Melbourne without using freeways then you go from Canberra to Cooma, then down the Monaro Hwy to Cann River. NOt the most challenging road but it isn't chockers full of traffic so you can set your own pace.
If you want some additional challenges then try heading for the coast at Bombala (signed to South Pambula or Eden I think)
BE WARNED: It's the ski season so the roads around the ski fields will be infested with highway patrol. I would also assume at least one mobile camera will be lurking around (probably at Bredbo, a 60km/h zone). In the Polo I can get away with an indicated 110 in a 100 zone without stirring the cops' attention.
I should be receiving my car November/December so no need to worry about snow season (assuming there is no great hollywood-like asteroid fallout causing an impact winter). So it is a while off, but nothing wrong with a bit of pre-planning :P
The highway driving is a bit of concern, but quieter roads where I can vary my speed easily would be great.