Breaking-in the TSI motor.
Around the ACT I think the Canberra to Batemans Bay drive & return is choice. If times permits – Canberra – Batemans Bay – Bega – Canberra – loop would be a good drive for a break in drive. Plenty of ascents & descents for the motor to load & unload with a big hill climb up the Clyde Mountain (or Brown Mountain if including Bega loop).
I did an easy drive through the Royal National Park (RNP) with 60-80kph zones to ensure all the parts get to know each other for the first 150km. Oil temp usually hovers around 96 degrees, indication not much load on the motor at all.
Second drive involves the freeway with higher speeds & high engine loads with a mountain climb up Macquarie Pass to Moss Vale & return to Sydney, either the same way or in a loop through Mittagong to Picton Road, doubling back onto Mount Ousley and just north of Wollongong (Princes Freeway) for the return journey to Sydney. Saw oil temps range from 91 degrees to 109 degrees on last drive from Sydney to Kangaroo Valley – Moss Vale.
Watching oil temps:
Air temperature varying @ 3-5 degrees between drives does not appear not to affect oil temps to any notable degree.
Kangaroo Valley Mountain Climb
1. The first drive up Kangaroo Valley with 220km on the odometer had the oil temp up to 111 degrees from about half-way up to top of mountain range. After this drive, the motor definitely felt looser.
2. Second drive oil temp hit 109 degrees.
3. Third attempt oil temp hit 107 degrees consistently (short spike up to 109 degree for brief period only).
Similar thing with Batemans Bay drive x2:
1. First drive with one occupant had oil temp up to 111 degrees.
2. Second drive with two on board – oil temps hit 109 degrees.
With the oil temps dropping after each drive, it would suggest to me that the motor is slowly loosening up with less heat friction after each mountain climb. Imo it’s better to keep revs to @ 4,000rpm with light throttle applications and climb a mountain for 10-20min than just thrash the TSI motor out in short bursts. Don’t expect fuel economy to really improve until after 15,000km when mineral oil is discarded for full synthetic oil. Run period, I guess, take the full 15,000km – basically the time the motor is running on mineral oil, which is not as slippery as the full synthetic oil. As stated before – my new GTI has not used a drop of oil in 3,500km in this break-in period. When the GTI is in transit pre-sale - the motor is in transit mode, not being able to be revved past 4,000rpm. This 4,000rpm ceiling is lifted by the dealer pre-delivery - prevents any form of abuse pre-sale.