Tinny Rattle
HI all,
Today i took my golf to the tyre shop to get some 17 inch wheels+tyres i purchased on ebay installed, all went well with that and I also got a 4 wheel alignment and some adjustment to the rear camber that they told me was needed, but now i have a rattle coming from the rear, it sounds tinny, and only happens at low revs say 1200RPM,
its like something it rattling or touching something, cant put my finger on it, just a tinny vibrating sound..
Any ideas of what it could be? it doesn't happen all the time, so its going to be hard to show them and no doubt they’ll pass the buck and say it wasn't something they did,
it has put a dampener on my new wheels. I will stress the noise wasn’t there before hand.
I’d appreciate any feed back or ideas, cheers.
MY11 VW Golf 118tsi, Silver, 6 Speed Manual, MDI, RCD510 touch screen, tinted windows.......more to come.