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Thread: Timing Chain and Tensioner Replacement Cost

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Users Country Flag

    Timing Chain and Tensioner Replacement Cost

    Hi Guys,

    I have a 2010 MK6 GTI with 140,000kms that needs some maintenance.

    I need to get the water pump replaced as it is leaking a bit.

    I have been quoted $1200 for the water pump and i asked if they could do the "timing chain tensioner" and clean the intake manifold. I have no idea if this has been done in my car.

    I got a call back from the mechanic saying if the chain is old and stretched putting a new tensioner on could cause serious problems and that i was best off doing the whole timing chain which would cost $2,600.

    I have had timing belts done before but I wasn't expecting that price. I asked if if he could check if the tensioner had been changed in the past and was told "not really".

    Has anyone had to change a timing chain before and what was the cost?

    I am in Thornleigh NSW.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
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    I paid $950 for my local Audi dealer to replace the chain tensioner, plastic guides, and timing cover plate in my 2010 Mk6 GTI (at only 4yrs old and 55,000km mind you!!). Basically everything timing related except for the timing chain was replaced (they advised the chain itself was ok, but in hindsight I wish I had changed it).

    if you are wondering why I used an Audi dealer instead of VW....several reasons:

    1) Several bad experiences with the VW dealership previously.
    2) This Audi dealership were servicing my car due to point #1 above.
    3) My brother worked at this Audi dealership at the time (in Sales) so I felt comfortable leaving my car there.

    They also broke my dipstick tube while doing this work which was another $200 odd to replace. The dipstick tube is plastic and gets brittle over time, and its in the area they need to work - so yours might break too.

    I would bank on $1,500-$1,700 or so to replace everything including the chain. Also keep in mind that as part of the timing chain replacement they will have to do an oil change, so you are paying for a minor service in addition to the work.

    Get a few quotes from VW/Audi specialist mechanics.
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 05-08-2020 at 04:40 PM.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Also - regarding your intake manifold, I would just replace it. The earlier ones are prone to fail, and the labour to clean your old one would almost come to the price of a brand new one.

    The waterpump is located directly underneath the inlet manifold so makes sense to change the waterpump at the same time.

    Annnnd (rabbit hole) if you are removing the inlet manifold you might want to get the mechanic to clean your injectors and intake valves as these will be quite dirty with carbon on a 10 yr old car (all early direct injection engines get bad carbon buildup on the inlet valves).
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Sydney, NSW

    Timely message Gazz. I've had noisy timing chain on cold starts for years now on our 118tsi. Rolled the dice on it not wanting to sink the amount of money that VW informed it would cost a few years back (I believe they quoted around 2-2.5k for the job). Anyway apart from the resultant check engine light and noise on startup the car drove fine. Unrelated but similar to your experience at the start of the week the check coolant light flashed as the car had dumped a load of coolant. Took it to VW who immediately diagnosed a faulty water pump indicating that it generally will happen every 100,000km. The car has 150,000 so he's an optimist as this is the second time it has happened - the first was probably 6 or 7 years ago bit I digress. They quoted $1450ish for the water pump. I asked them to price up also doing the timing chain, guides and tensioner at the same time. Depsite a sketchy amount of repairs we still really like the car, it drives well, so figured if we got the the pump changed might as well fix the timing chain tensioner issue at the same time and then run it into the ground (someone should point me to the sunk costs fallacy)... anyway, they came back with a price just over $3k. After some negotiation got them down to a tad under $2800.

    Picked the car up after the work was done and drove maybe 10km before the check engine light came on, car was still driving fine. Took it back and they informed me that they would need to redo the engine timing, check engine light related to a crank sensor.

    PM me if you want any more details about location.

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