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Thread: Timing chain and tensioner discussion and issues

  1. #11
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    Timing chain

    Quote Originally Posted by Roboash View Post
    Hi, I have a stock 2010 Golf GTI MK6. She has 103k on the clock, FVWSH to date. I wanted to find out more info about getting the timing chain tensioner replaced with the improved OEM design. I've been reading many horror stories of failure due to the tensioner poor design in early models such as mine. Has anyone had this replaced outside warranty? If so how much? I called VW Fivedock, Sydney to ask for a quote..the guy was useless and started telling me my Mk 6 had a belt. Prob gonna go to a VW specialist who seem to actually understand the issue, at least on the phone. Any experience / advice would be appreciated. Thanks
    The timing chain in my 2010 Mk6 GTI (done 60,000km) has started making noise over the past few months, and i have enquired with Jack at Beyond Limit Autos in Sydney (who is a very well regarded VW and Euro car specialist) about getting the tensioner replaced with the revised version. I have also asked Umai Na!! (Very knowledgable ex VW employee and mobile VW Mechanic) from this forum if he may be interested. You can buy the parts needed (tensioner, bolts, new cover pan and sealant) from the USA for about $250+shipping.

    HS Tuning - TSI Timing Chain Tensioner Update Kit - 06K109467K

    I have not been given any pricing estimates on labour yet (as he wants to see/assess the car first) but after looking at other forums it seems somewhere around 4-6hrs work is involved. Might be faster if the mechanic has done one before too.

    Rest assured that if you have a Mk6 GTI with the 2.0TSI engine that you have a timing chain. The older Mk5 GTI's had a belt.

    Quote Originally Posted by Idle View Post
    Get it checked out anyway — if it does have a belt it's about time it was changed.
    Unless its faulty and/or stretched considerably, a timing chain should pretty much last the lifetime of the car.
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 15-09-2014 at 09:42 PM.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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  2. #12
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    FYI - I had my MK6 GTI chain replaced out of warranty (6 months out) by Kedron VW. I did not buy my car there, nor do I get it serviced there.

    To get it sorted I rang VW Australia and they said I would have to have it diagnosed for $160 at VW dealer, but assured me that if they found it to be a TSB or known issue I would not have to pay the diagnoses fee. Anyways I thought $160 was worth the money even if they didn't replace it, so if it did snap I could try and argue that it had been checked.

    Long story short, dropped it in the day before, they started it up cold the next day, heard the chain rattle on startup, rang me and said they will replace all tensioners, chains, guides under warranty.

    Its been 7 months, no issues since then, touch wood.

  3. #13
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    Here is a recording of a cold start on our GTI this morning. Car had not been started in about 10 days.

    Ive been making enquiries to get the tensioner replaced.

    Last edited by Lucas_R; 18-09-2014 at 04:34 PM.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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  4. #14
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    Thank guys..v helpful! Lucas_R - yep mine sounds exactly like that!!! Perhaps you could let me know when you have a price back and I might try your place if u recommend. In the meantime got a VW inspection to see if they will replace outside of warranty (worth a try). Thanks again...

  5. #15
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    Timing chain

    So, no surprise that the VW dealership said the car is fine and the sound is normal. The paperwork said that they left the car from 8.30am to 2.30pm to cool down before starting the engine to listen for noise, but then they rang me at 2.37pm to say the car was ready to be picked up - so a hugely thorough 7 minute investigation. Thanks for wasting my time.

    So it's off to the Audi dealer tomorrow for their diagnosis. The Audi dealer have quoted me $950 to do the job, so i think ill go with that for peace of mind and so that i don't have to deal with VW again.

    Update - booked in with Audi to have the job done this Friday. Cant be bothered playing time wasting games with VW.
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 24-09-2014 at 01:38 PM.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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  6. #16
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    That is poor from VW..considering how it sounded from your video. I'm booked in at VW Fivedock on the 7th Oct for assessment of mine...

  7. #17
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    Dodgy dealership. There is a TPI on this and they should have inquired with VW Australia for the funds to repair on good will.

  8. #18
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    Picked the car up on Saturday morning after leaving it with Audi since Thursday afternoon - chain rattle fixed and im $950 poorer. Couldn't be bothered playing games with VW (my local dealer in particular is difficult), so Audi replaced the tensioner, metal timing case cover plate + bolts, crank bolt, and one of the plastic chain guides for me. There was also some special gasket/sealant on the invoice too which i understand is for sealing the cover plate.

    Now i can rest easy knowing that my engine has the updated parts fitted to it. List of parts fitted shown below:

    Last edited by Lucas_R; 23-10-2014 at 12:28 PM.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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  9. #19
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    Glad you got it sorted in the end. $950 aint too bad when it could have been a new engine cost.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by kroogz View Post
    Glad you got it sorted in the end. $950 aint too bad when it could have been a new engine cost.
    True - worse case scenario the timing chain skips, then valves hit the pistons which would require new pistons, valves and head work + labour of course. Probably $5,000-6,000 in a repair like that once you factor in the labour.

    It's worth it just for the peace of mind. Hope you have better luck with VW than i did.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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