YouTube - Terrible crash: Ferrari 360 Modena and Golf R
Oh, the pain... I would cry...
Not for the Ferrari though... Can't stand them!
I was so paranoid after finally getting my prized mk v GTI that I guttered the left front alloy. Luckily, I have a friend who repairs alloy wheels and he did a fantastic job. Picked wheel up and went out that night only to gutter-rash the same wheel again #^&*#@?. Trying not to be so paranoid now, but I too don't mind a hike to a shop because I park so far away from those less considerate than I am about damaging other peoples cars in carparks.
YouTube - Terrible crash: Ferrari 360 Modena and Golf R
Oh, the pain... I would cry...
Not for the Ferrari though... Can't stand them!
Last edited by ratedr; 22-01-2011 at 08:09 PM.
THIS THREAD JINXED ME!!!!! I was just reading about how paranoid people are in shopping centres and just this morning i scrape the side of my car on a pole![]()
never had an accident in my life, oh the irony lol.
luckily its not the GTI - haven't received it yet.
I am really paranoid now (as opposed to just being paranoid) and have managed to survive 14 months without any scrapes etc, until now. this morning going to work i had drive past some contractors digging a trench across the road. of course it was too much trouble for these contractors to use common sense and as I went past they showered the car with bits of concrete being thrown up by the jack-hammer, the paintwork seems okay so far (but need to check again) but they chipped the windscreen. not impressed and not the end of the story.
mk VI GTI, manual, reflex silver, basic
If you know which council or authority was performing the work, you should be able to claim against them. If your insurance company has free window replacement and there is no other damage, then it might not be worth the hassle. But if you have to get a respray or anything like that, I'd definitely be pursing the claim against the council/authority performing the work!
It was a sub-contractor doing the work and I haven't been able to get a hold of anyone senior yet to see who they were sub-contracting for. these particular sub-contractors spliced through 8 optic-fibre cables (Telstras) in the Sydney CBD not that long ago while digging a trench..,, and the no-excess windscreen option is optional on my insurance cover, which I didn't get - hindsight is a wonderful thing.
as for velocity involved, yes the velocity of the broken bits of concrete and tar thrown up by the jack hammer. its was a suburban street, half blocked off with traffic controllers directing traffic. speed through the chicane , maybe 20km/h max.
mk VI GTI, manual, reflex silver, basic
definitely chase down the people responsible for the work, maybe start at the council. we've had a couple of cars like that at work that have received damaged rims etc. and the council always covers it without too much of a fight.
I have a couple of stories about damage to new cars, the first one is a customer of mine. He was an older gent who had purchased a Caddy Maxi to replace his old Econovan as a sort of camper/fishing car. It was the first brand new car he had ever bought. He got no more than 2km up the road before a chick in a Lancer jammed on her brakes in a slip lane and the poor bloke had nowhere to go but run up the back of her.
I also have one that is my fault. A few years ago I was a cadet salesperson I would have scarcely been in my second month with the company (I'm still with the same company now so I didn't get the sack because of this) I was driving the first LT model ford focus in the dealership around to the showroom for display. the door to this showroom was a right pain in the arse, opening out onto a busy two lane each way street. the way we got the cars in was to park in the left lane and wait for a gap in the traffic to pull across the right lane and then reverse up the footpath into the showy. so i was waiting for a gap in the traffic and when I spotted one I pulled into the right lane and a purple Festiva promptly went flying across my bonnet up on two wheels. car dealership employees are one of the highest risk categories for insurance (everyone I know who's been in cars has a story) so after a two and a half grand excess I was feeling pretty sorry for myself. (touch wood but I haven't dinged another dealership car since, well none that have been my fault at least.)
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Haha sorry to hear mate but I lol'd can just imagine your boss " don't worry we all do it.... Good news is you don't have to worry about getting paid next month."