To expand on what I said earlier, it's not the cold start itself which determines your service intervals, it's how many there are in a given interval.
Consider the following points:
LongLife Regime
• Mainly longer distance journeys
• Limited number of cold starts, engine is kept at operating temperature over a longer period of time
Time/Distance Regime
• Mainly short journeys
• Frequent cold starts
Obviously, one doesn't normally keep the engine of a motor vehicle running 24/7, so a cold start is unavoidable - that's not the issue. The issue is how many cold cycles the engine must go through in relation to the distance covered.
The above points go hand in hand. You generally can't get up to nominal operating temperatures in a short distance (unless you thrash it from the get go, or idle for lengthy periods - both detrimental!) - this is why the time it takes to get up to temperature is related to the distance travelled.
It's about minimising the time an engine is kept below operating temperature - just one of many factors to consider when determining the oil change interval.