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Thread: Stutter / Judder on Acceleration

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Stutter / Judder on Acceleration

    2010 VW Golf GTI.
    APR gear.
    100,000 km

    This car has run perfectly until now.
    Forum's are full with this issue, however offer ever conceivable fix you can think of.
    Difficult to determine fault & fix.

    Stuttering during acceleration.
    Normal when idle.
    Worse when cold.
    When warm, still stutters.
    Drivable. Just really, really annoying.
    Can't feel any loss of power.

    When accelerating using the Cruise Control, the engine light flickers on when stuttering.
    Does not do this when accelerating using the pedal - when stuttering.
    This seems unique?

    Also, the fuel consumption readings seems jumpy - with 3 Litre fluctuations driving consistent speed/conditions. I don't recall it doing this before.

    1st opinion:
    VW dealer mechanic could not replicate the issue, so unable to fix. Could see the Engine Light coming on though.

    2nd opinion:
    VW Specialist mechanic has some idea's:
    - Fit APR Flap Delete and retune.
    - Remove carbon build up on Intake Manifold and Intake Valves. $$$$
    - Needs a new Turbo Boost Valve as not working (NOT the problem though).

    Just wondering if anyone has exactly my problem and what was the fix.

    Signed frustrated and tired.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sinagra, Western Australia
    Sounds like just a misfire, possibly an injector or may be worth checking plugs/coils. Find a better mechanic who knows how to diagnose it correctly, or wait until i relocate to perth next year and leave it in the garage until then!
    Volks Handy
    Servicing - Repairs - Diagnostics - Mobile fault scanning/clearing - A/c work
    10 years experience working for Audi/VW/Skoda
    Now in Perth NOR, Western Australia.

  3. #3
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    Thanks Snail.
    Hahahaa Hopefully this will be fixed by then - fingers crossed.

    Injectors were cleaned at last service as I noticed it back then - 6 months ago. No change.
    Also, at the same time they had a misfire error in the log so swapped the coils. No change. swapped them back.
    Got the old: 'can't held, go see APR; so went to APR installer for 2nd opinion. Seems very knowledgeable.

    Just don't want to spend money without it being diagnosed as the issue. You know....

    Reading the forums, seems I'll just need to Chase the fault and do it.

    Thanks again.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newkidintown View Post
    Thanks Snail.
    Hahahaa Hopefully this will be fixed by then - fingers crossed.

    Injectors were cleaned at last service as I noticed it back then - 6 months ago. No change.
    Also, at the same time they had a misfire error in the log so swapped the coils. No change. swapped them back.
    Got the old: 'can't held, go see APR; so went to APR installer for 2nd opinion. Seems very knowledgeable.

    Just don't want to spend money without it being diagnosed as the issue. You know....

    Reading the forums, seems I'll just need to Chase the fault and do it.

    Thanks again.
    Carbon build up seems very plausable. You can either remove the manifold and clean the valves/intake ports that way (very through) but expensive.

    Or remove the breath that goes into the manifold, spray some of the subaru upper cylinder cleaner into it and rev the nuts off your engine for awhile (be prepared to clear the CEL that will come on due to missfires) - cheaper but not as effective option.

  5. #5
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    Seems I may have a similar issue, only happens for me though between 1000rpms and 1600rpms and at very light throttle, as soon as I put the boot in its perfect. Definitely worse when cold and hardly noticeable when warmed up. I'm leaning towards throttle body but not sure and have no way of testing. Please keep us informed.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2015 Golf R. Lapiz Blue.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Sinagra, Western Australia
    Throttle won't cause a misfire on a single cylinder(or one at all). You need to identify which cylinder is missing, then do the coil and plug move around as they have done to confirm it doesn't move. Following that you will need to test the high pressure system for fuel leak down, injectors sticking open aren't uncommon and tend to give part throttle misfires.

    It's about 150k+ on a motor that has never been carbon cleaned before you need to start looking at that as a cause of misfires. Wouldn't rule it out but from my experience it is unlikely.
    Volks Handy
    Servicing - Repairs - Diagnostics - Mobile fault scanning/clearing - A/c work
    10 years experience working for Audi/VW/Skoda
    Now in Perth NOR, Western Australia.

  7. #7
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    No misfires at all, these stutters for me just feel like little misfires or hesitations. Car idles fine when cold and warm, it's just off idle where it stutters.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2015 Golf R. Lapiz Blue.

  8. #8
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    That's exactly what the VW Specialist Mechanic did - he wasn't convinced on the spray either.
    The strutter / judder / hesitation continues.

    I'll start driving it in sports more to "blow out the cobwebs'.
    For a fast car, I do drive it a little pedestrian like.
    Thanks for your thought - seems I'm on the right track.

    I think I'll continue with the Carbon Removal.
    Maybe replace the plugs and coils at the next service (injectors already done).

    Thanks for your input. Appreciated.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Hi Reedy.

    Sound toooooooo familiar.
    Appears it is the same problem as mine.

    Q. APR Carbonio Intake REMOVED. Did you remove it. Can I ask why.
    I've seen they have a suspect pipe connector - this could be sucking fresh air? May cause a problem like we are having? I'm no mechanic!

    Your car sounds fast.

  10. #10
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    A guy with a modified MK6 GTI on another forum recently had similar hesitation issues as mentioned in the first post. His car has also done a similar amount of km's and is the same age. Turned out, after lots of diagnosing and swapping parts etc that the high pressure fuel pump (HPFP) was faulty and needed to be replaced. Problem fixed now.

    The HPFP is not a common issue on this engine, but it happens. See here for more info: M4RK0's MK6 Kraftwerk GTI - Page 96
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 13-10-2015 at 12:30 PM.
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