The "Alternative" in "Alternative Speed Display" means it will be the opposite of whatever your analogue speedo is, it's meant to be this way. It comes in handy for example in Europe where some countries use MPH and others use km/h.
If you want a digital speed display in km/h you just need to scroll through with the up/down arrows on the steering wheel when on the normal display until it says "Speed 0km/h". Eg. when it's displaying average fuel consumption/oil temperature/time travelled/distance to empty/whatever scroll through and you will find the digital speed readout in km/h.
Hope that helps. I would take a pic/video but I've got a Mk5 with the old menu system which doesn't have a digital speed display and my dad's Mk6 is parked at the airport.
Edit: The picture in the thread you linked shows the alternate speed display where the temperature normally is (as it's supposed to be)... the normal digital display in km/h will come up where this picture shows "Range 300km"