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Thread: Slight Flutter in Turbo Golf R

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Cairns, Queensland

    Slight Flutter in Turbo Golf R

    Thought I'd post this here since every other Golf R thread is in here... Just noticed this morning coming back form the gym that sometimes when I take my foot off the accelerator in D (DSG) that there is a slight flutter sound coming from the motor. Almost like one of those nasty after market BOV's you hear on the grey import rice mobiles.

    Not throwing any errors up and the car drives beautifully, I haven't noticed any loss of power. Its about 35 degrees up here and 85% humidity if that makes any difference.

    Has anyone else noticed similar? I can't reproduce it at will, its quite intermittent and the car hasn't been under heavy load either time its done it.
    2007 Golf GT Sport TDi sold!
    2011 Golf R 3 door Candy White with all the non carbon fibre fruit !
    2011 Tiguan 147TSI

  2. #2
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    It's a goddamn turbo charged car, it's going to make those noises. It's normal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    It's your diverter valve and there is a damn good reason it makes that noise.

    Either live with it or get rid of the turbo
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angryman View Post
    Just noticed this morning coming back form the gym that sometimes when I take my foot off the accelerator in D (DSG) that there is a slight flutter sound coming from the motor.
    Hey mate. It's quite normal. All Golf R's do it.
    It does it after you take your foot off the accelerator EVERY time, in all modes of the DSG (D, S, M). It's just that the volume of it differs and can be hidden by other noise (road noise, exhaust noise etc). It's normal.

    It's been discussed previously in one of the other Golf R threads...

  5. #5
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    Yep, i know exactly what you mean, i have certainly noticed it a number of times, as you say it seems to be quite intermittent but seems to be most prominent for me at lower speeds.
    It may be the boy racer in me but i like the noise..
    MY11 Golf R - Rising Blue - 5DR - DSG - 19" Black OZ Ultralegerra - Leather - Sunroof - MDI - Euro Plates - Milltek Exhaust - Bluefin - SOLD
    MY11 Tiguan 147 TSI - DSG - Pepper Grey - Black Leather - RVC - MDI - BT

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prodigy View Post
    Yep, i know exactly what you mean, i have certainly noticed it a number of times, as you say it seems to be quite intermittent but seems to be most prominent for me at lower speeds.
    It may be the boy racer in me but i like the noise..
    I purposely drive with the windows down and push slightly harder to get the little diverter valve open. I think it is awesome fun to have it. It is not ricey at all as it is not an obnoxious release of pressure.
    2008 Mk5 Golf .:R32/ BMP/ RCD-510/ More to come

  7. #7
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    I'm up in Cairns next Tuesday and would be glad to have a look. Just leave it with me for the day, and I'll do my utmost to diagnose it, all day long. Just the kind of guy I am.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ideo View Post
    It's your diverter valve and there is a damn good reason it makes that noise.

    Either live with it or get rid of the turbo
    +1. Like jeez.. GOLF Owners.. Not liking the turbo sounds!

    Wish I could take you round the block in a Ported Rotor!! Whaaaaaaaam--PSSHHHHHH!!
    2010 MY11 GOLF R - 5DR | DSG | RISING BLUE | DYNAUDIO + ACC + BLUETOOTH + 19s + RNS510 |


  9. #9
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    Does it sound anything like what's in this video? I love that sound!!


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    You can also hear it if you change from D into N while rolling
    MkVI Golf GTI | Candy White | DSG | Leather | Bi-xenon | Sunroof | Dynaudio | Park Assist | MDI | Tint | FINALLY RECEIVED!!

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