Slight Flutter in Turbo Golf R
Thought I'd post this here since every other Golf R thread is in here... Just noticed this morning coming back form the gym that sometimes when I take my foot off the accelerator in D (DSG) that there is a slight flutter sound coming from the motor. Almost like one of those nasty after market BOV's you hear on the grey import rice mobiles.
Not throwing any errors up and the car drives beautifully, I haven't noticed any loss of power. Its about 35 degrees up here and 85% humidity if that makes any difference.
Has anyone else noticed similar? I can't reproduce it at will, its quite intermittent and the car hasn't been under heavy load either time its done it.
2007 Golf GT Sport TDi sold!
2011 Golf R 3 door Candy White with all the non carbon fibre fruit !
2011 Tiguan 147TSI