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Thread: SDHC cards

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Kew, VIC

    Quote Originally Posted by JPH View Post
    Hi Idler
    I'm following your instructions but it never gets past the FM AM DAB setup screen. I've held the setup button for a full minute.
    Pressing and holding the setup button on mine brings up the radio setup in about 15-20 seconds, continuing to hold it goes to the next screen in 3 to 5 seconds — one overseas user reports that repeating the exercise may work when that fails.

    You may have a different hardware/firmware version — there seem to be a number of them about and VW don't appear to be consistent as to which they fit into a specific model.

    Looking further into mine, I suspect I have an RNS510 that wasn't intended for the Australian market (might explain why I was first quoted about 2 months delivery on the car, then next day they found they could supply it in less than a week if I went for reversing sensors (dealer fitted, and which I regret having bought) instead of the camera I really wanted (did they pull the RNS510 off a stock shelf as well and stick both into a car already parked in the yard — delivered May 09, it had come off the line in December 08...))

    Scrolling through Version Info can be quite interesting , for instance mine shows DVD SW as C_EU_CHN_7.112_1994, which probably explains why my DVD player wouldn't play Region 4 (Australian) video's (when I got my VCDS it told me the unit was set for Mainland China (CHN, I suppose) — it plays them now...))

    Version Info also tells me my RNS510 is HW version H03 and SW version 0900, so I'll be after a firmware upgrade when the first service is done.

    I'm not stressed enough about it to do the update myself — I'll let the dealer be the goat if it bricks the unit.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Sydney, NSW
    Hi Murphy,

    I purchased the premium kit, and the dealer fitted it with the fiscon kit.

    The new one that the dealer replaced, i have no idea what it is. But it seems to have the ability to do everything (haven't tried a2dp yet) and with the newer firmware version on the RNS-510 the option of voice dialling + controls.

    I can't comment on where the firmware is coming from, but i did a search around previously and there have been official international firmware releases of the RNS-510 software. Why VW can't seem to or don't know about the newest firmware is beyond me. As far as i know, the RNS-510 isn't actually made by VW, but by skoda.

    I know what you mean about the pricing, its on the high side, but i didn't want to stuff around too much with my car so i decided to bite the bullet.

    FYI i have an iphone as well and it pairs up just fine.

  3. #23
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    I originally ordered the standard VW bluetooth kit for $800. But while I was waiting for the car to be delivered I read about the Fiscon Basic Plus kit. Asked the dealer if I could cancel the VW kit and they agreed - which earned them a lot of respect in my eyes. I bought the Fiscon kit from Advancedice for $799 (but you could do better from the USA). It took me 15 minutes to install and dealer arranged coding so that it integrated with the steering wheel controls and driver info screen, which took another 5 minutes. I've never seen a better bluetooth kit! the sound quality is brilliant! - I have always used the Noika cw-7k and hated it. Its now a pleasure to take a call while driving.
    The display on the RNS-510 is clear and intuitive and all the controls work. Only down side is the sms function doesn't work with my HTC touch.

  4. #24
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    Does the standard system in the GTI support DAB?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Guys, besides Maverick's my-gti site, you can also try for more rns specific issues.

    I installed a "B' version rns bought off a group buy and progressively upgraded the firmware to 2680.

    I use a 12gb sdhc card for my mp3s.

    wrt the 'hidden' menu, sometimes, it needs to be enabled using VCDS


  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allegiance View Post
    Does the standard system in the GTI support DAB?
    DAB isn't yet in any VW in this country.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by coreying View Post
    Off topic, but:

    You don't necessarily need to convert them at a 'higher' bitrate. Just convert them using the recommended settings and LAME compile from Hydrogen Audio (after extracting them using a quality extraction program and from the original CDs of course).

    Currently this would mean LAME v3.98.2 build from Rarewaves, and for a car (even with Dynaudio) or portable system (even with aftermarket IEMs), the -V2 option would be optimal. It 'aims for' 192kbps variable bit rate, but will range from an average of ~160 to 230 depending on the complexity of the content that you're encoding.

    Hope that helps
    Hi all, I recently upgrade to firmware version 2680x. This as it says on the site is factory upgrade so you lose all your music maps and is set to Gernam language as default. Having said that I now can read a 32gb sdhc card plus nice split screen for reversing camera and parking sensors. Very easy to change language back to english and reload maps and HDD (note hdd greyed initially until you copy a mp3 song to it then it is OK) The only problem I still have is the MFD display no longer has the audio or nav info displayed. If anyone knows how to fix this let me know. I also cannot get into the test menu still.

  8. #28
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    Ok I'm just back from having the version of my RNS-510 checked by Barloworld Five Dock.
    After having the car for a whole day they are telling me that no upgrade is available/required for my unit and SDHC compatibility is NOT available.

    They say I have Hardware version B, Firmware 1200/1202 (part number 7L6.919.859.B)


    When was HW ver C released?

    Is 1200/1202 as high as you can go with release B?

    Last edited by JPH; 05-03-2010 at 06:25 AM.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Highlands NSW

    Version B and 2680

    Quote Originally Posted by JPH View Post
    Ok I'm just back from having the version of my RNS-510 checked by Barloworld Five Dock.
    After having the car for a whole day they are telling my that no upgrade is available/required for my unit and SDHC compatibility is NOT available.

    They say I have Hardware version B, Firmware 1200/1202 (part number 7L6.919.859.B)


    When was HW ver C released?

    Is 1200/1202 as high as you can go with release B?

    I got the same answer from my dealer with my 09/09 build MY10 CC.
    They were going to load 2680 but said no good for Ver B which is apparently my RNS510 version.
    However look at Mr Gee's post of 12 February above. Looks like there is more to it than the dealers know at this stage.

    However, I would not like to lose MFD SatNav display as I think this is probably the best feature of the RNS510. I rarely look at the LCD screen.

    If someone can sort out that issue I will do the firmware upgrade myself
    You know you are getting old when you cancel your order for a 3.6 CC and buy an Icelandic Gray TDI CC instead.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    I pulled my RNS-510 out today to check what I actually have. The label says 1T0 035 680 B HW H11 SW 1200.

    So does that mean
    Hardware = version 11
    Firmware = B
    Software = 1200?

    I'm getting confused because some websites talk about firmware 1200 and hardware A B and C.

    For the lucky people who got SDHC working on their Jan 2010 delivered Golfs - do they have 11 - C - 1200 or something else?

    According firmware 1200 fixes the SDHC problem even on HW 03 and 04, so why doesn't my HW11 work

    This is driving me crazy!

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