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Thread: Revo Technik Software

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Castle Hill, NSW

    Revo Technik Software

    Hey all,

    Ive recently been looking at getting my ECU reflashed to add some extra grunt to my car but I am a bit skeptical about it for a few reasons.

    The increase in power from the software is 118kw to 163kw and increase in torque from 240Nm to around about 320Nm.

    I pretty much want to know if this will have any side effects to the car.
    Being a Vdub owner previously with my MK4 golf I know that parts can be expensive and this is my main concern as im not sure if the car will be able to handle the power.

    The last thing that I want to be doing is to be buying a new clutch, gearbox and radiator because the car can't handle the power.

    Please let me know if you think that it would be safe to purchase the performance software for my 1.4L 118TSI Mk6 golf.

    Also, is there anywhere else to get good performance software from? The only place I have found in Sydney is Peak Performance in Parramatta.

    Any information would be greatly helpful.


    Waterboy =]
    118TSI|United Grey|Manual|Sports Package|Bluetooth|Chrome Scuff Plates|Side Tints

  2. #2
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    AFAIK lots of $$$$ is spent by chipping companies to make sure their software does not turn an engine into a hand grenade. Go for it.

    the wear and tear parts of the car are the responsibility of the driver. You can drive it as hard or as easy as you like!!!!
    VW: it aint just a car, its a way of life
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  3. #3
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    The problem is that if I do drive it as hard as I like, are the parts of the car going to be a problem for me? You honestly think the 1.4L engine of the golf can handle that amount of power?
    118TSI|United Grey|Manual|Sports Package|Bluetooth|Chrome Scuff Plates|Side Tints

  4. #4
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    IMHO clutch, gearbox life etc. is strongly linked to the way the car gets driven. You can kill them with or without power upgrades.

    Check out Unitronic, GIAC, APR as well. All have sydney dealers.

    Custom code, Superchips and a few others will probably be able to sort you out too, but I'm not sure off the top of my head if they have dealers in syd.

    The usual advice is go for something that has a dealer close by so you can take the car back if there are any hiccups. (or one that's happy to pop over from Adelaide Gav )

    As Golfman said, go for it!

  5. #5
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by waterboy View Post
    Hey all,

    Ive recently been looking at getting my ECU reflashed to add some extra grunt to my car but I am a bit skeptical about it for a few reasons.

    The increase in power from the software is 118kw to 163kw and increase in torque from 240Nm to around about 320Nm...
    Is the standard turbo capable of making that much power? And can the fuel system flow the additional fuel for that power? Most factory turbo and fuel systems have room for maybe a 20% increase but 118 to 163kw is 38%.

  6. #6
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    The APR ECU for the 118TSI gives 151kw and 317nm.

    Revo Technik's tunes are always one of the most 'agressive' of the bunch, so it seems to be about I'd have expected from them after seeing APR's numbers.

    As for the comment above about "Most factory turbo and fuel systems have room for maybe a 20% increase", I think that's a huge generalisation.
    The MKV GTI had 147KW as standard. The APR Stage II gave that 205KW. That was a 39% increase and was well within the factory turbo and fuel pump's capabilities.

  7. #7
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    163kw from a 1.4 piston petrol engine. Oh my goodness

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bboy_Sparx View Post
    163kw from a 1.4 piston petrol engine. Oh my goodness
    This motor should make the new polo a lively little bugger

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bboy_Sparx View Post
    163kw from a 1.4 piston petrol engine. Oh my goodness
    Hey - it's all about engineering.
    Lest we not forget that in 1986 when the FIA banned the turbo chargers in F1, that a 1.5L V6 Turbo was putting out over 1200bhp (895kw or 596kw per Litre). And that same year the Lancia Delta S4 Group B car had it's 1.8L Supercharged / Turbocharged motor producing 400KW+ (222kw per Litre) - the last car to have Supercharging and Turbocharging before VW bought it back.
    Also in 1986 the Ferrari F40 had a 2.9L Turbo producing 352kw (121kw per Litre) - which was detuned from the 480kw (165kw per Litre) of the development cars (for safety reasons since 'anyone' who could afford the car could buy it and drive it on the roads).

    Sure, these were racing cars or supercars, but it was also 24 years ago.
    120kw per litre (163kw / 1.4 = 116kw) from a forced induction engine is nothing new... just new at this price point
    Last edited by Corey_R; 05-02-2010 at 02:31 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by coreying View Post
    Hey - it's all about engineering.
    Lest we not forget that in 1986 when the FIA banned the turbo chargers in F1, that a 1.5L V6 Turbo was putting out over 1200bhp (895kw or 596kw per Litre). And that same year the Lancia Delta S4 Group B car had it's 1.8L Supercharged / Turbocharged motor producing 400KW+ (222kw per Litre) - the last car to have Supercharging and Turbocharging before VW bought it back.
    Ahem! .. lets not forget this little 1989 gem:

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