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Thread: Reverse / Reversing light/s

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Mitchelton, Qld

    Thanks Guys. I'll be sure to let her know the leftside is the reverse light and the right side is the fog light.

    I had to LOL to think that you guys would actually think that a female would actually either read a car manual or even worse....actually look at the light bulbs.....LOL!!!

    Bit strange that the dealer didn't tell her the right side was the fog light though............

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    Cook, ACT
    ...never understood the 'key goes here, gas goes there' attitude to cars...
    until my computer played up...absolutley couldn't give a flying f-truck about the operating sys...blah-de-blah, oh-hum, does it work yet???
    2 psi short in the left front tyre and my world might just stop turning...
    RTFM, only if a) I care, b) it makes any sense...why not ask the helpful experts and take the best fit...

    Been advised many times about the broken reversing light on my WRX, thanks.

    Got caught behind some plonker in an Alfa for an hour on a dark and rainy night with the rear fog on bright and didn't I purge some expletives!!!. It ISN'T FOGGY, numbskull.

    She isn't alone in not realising the function of a rear fog: Probably has other fine personal attribtes to redeem her from a premature term in long as she doesn't drive around with the light front of

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by ethosguy View Post

    Been advised many times about the broken reversing light on my WRX, thanks.
    And that 'you've left your headlights on'...?

    Quote Originally Posted by ethosguy View Post

    Got caught behind some plonker in an Alfa for an hour on a dark and rainy night with the rear fog on bright and didn't I purge some expletives!!!. It ISN'T FOGGY, numbskull.

    She isn't alone in not realising the function of a rear fog: Probably has other fine personal attribtes to redeem her from a premature term in long as she doesn't drive around with the light front of
    The rear foglight is almost as bad as highbeams, and more and more people seem to have them on. And I don't think they'd EVER be needed, here in Brisbane at least.

    I guess nearly all new cars have them standard these days, and the clueless majority have no idea they're even turned on.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony_Mitchell_1983 View Post
    And that 'you've left your headlights on'...?

    I guess nearly all new cars have them standard these days, and the clueless majority have no idea they're even turned on.
    ...most'd never find the 'on' position in the VW headlight multi-switch,'d have to read the manual.

  5. #35
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    I use the fog light for tailgaters. Natural reaction to a bright read light in front of you tends to be to hit the brakes.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Burns View Post
    I use the fog light for tailgaters. Natural reaction to a bright read light in front of you tends to be to hit the brakes.
    Very enlightening Mr Burns. I suggest you attend a defensive driving course to school you up with what to do with tailgater's.
    With a tailgater you should slow down to increase the distance between yourself and the vehicle in front so you have far more room to slow comfortably so the idiot behind you doesn't ram you.
    Switching on your fog light or dabbing your brake lights only infuriates tailgater's to get closer and become a real threat. If they're trying to get in the rear hatch, then pull over and let them go. I'd rather see them in front than have to watch them from behind.
    Use the fog lights for fog!
    Current drive:2016 Golf GTI 40 Years in Pure White

  7. #37
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    Adding 2nd reverse light to Golf R

    Id love to add a second reverse light to the vacant light area on the drivers side rear light. The back of the light housing is blanked off but you could open it up with a drill and dremel.

    Ive done similar mods to a previous car (added Jap spec rear lights to my 200sx which required some wiring mods) but the CANBUS system is whats scaring me off touching the Golf. Obviously i don't want any bulb errors on the dash.

    Reasons are:

    1) The 1 reverse light we have is on the wrong side of the car to be useful and isn't very bright
    2) I hate the off-balance look of the 1 reverse light and the "you've got a light out" comments from family and friends etc.

    Also, has anyone upgraded their reverse lights to LED for a brighter and whiter light? Or perhaps the blue-ish bulbs (which emit a white light) like you can get from Narva / Phillips etc. The bulb is the same as the one in the link below.

    Wedge Base Bulb (T13 12V10W) Supplier

    The video below shows 2 reverse lights on this car - so it can be done apparently.

    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  8. #38
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    would like to see if it's possible as well.

    As for the video above, I'm sure it's a US spec car where they don't have the rear fog light and instead have the 2nd reverse light.
    MK6 CS GTI

  9. #39
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    This is also discussed in the Tiguan section as well.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas_R View Post
    1) The 1 reverse light we have is on the wrong side of the car to be useful and isn't very bright
    +1. Are you listening VW? *shakes fist*

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