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Being pretty ham-fisted these days, (my hands shake too much for precise work) I looked for a way to avoid dismantling the instrument panel and found I could get the coax cable through quite easily without taking the dash apart or removing the fusebox — if you insert a suitable guide through the larger of the two round holes in the aluminium support behind the fusebox, it will pass neatly through the loops formed by the instrument panel loom and appear in the centre area. You then use it to pull the coax and 12V wire through behind the dash.
If you want to be sure it's not fouling anything, it's easy to take a flash photo from the rear of the radio recess — hold the camera as far back as you can and angle it slightly toward you.
I used a belt & braces method and also fed the section behind the dash through a short length of clear food grade polyester tube — 9mm ID IIRC — which is easily anchored at each end (get it very cheap at Clark Rubber,) supports the coax and ought to remove any possibility of its rubbing where it shouldn't.
Running the coax to the rear, about the worst snag was that the sound damping material behind the upper side trim at the rear had been installed slightly too far back and was blocking the aperture the rear washer hose (and, perforce, the coax) comes up through — this stuff is really tough to get out of the way and it's 3 layers of metal down so very hard to reach. Eventually had to lever the upper trim away, insert a thin metal strip and blindly apply brute force — fortunately didn't damage anything and in the end managed to hold the stuff clear enough to get a probe down from the top.
Haven't finished the install yet as I can't get some of the connector wires ( the ones with number ending in 129 — no stock in Australia, I'm told, and no apparent interest in getting any...) so the car's running around with no lower hatch trim.
Have emailed Jon @ ECS Tuning (from whom I bought the camera unit and coax) re supply but no reply as yet.
Not the end of the world as I got the two really essential ones (for the 4-pin plug on the latch connector, which is pretty much indispensable) and can cut the connector off the camera wires and sweat up a loom for the remainder if I must.