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Thread: Red or White Mk6 GTI? Does Red still Fade?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Exclamation Red or White Mk6 GTI? Does Red still Fade?

    Hey guys.

    I am looking at getting myself a Mk6 GTI later in 2010 (maybe the 2011 Build after July).

    I was wondering what peoples thoughts were on the White or Red GTI's?

    I LOVE both colours. White is more classic. Red is more modern. Red does match alot of the cars features (Brakes, Seats, Grill).

    However does Red Paint on modern cars, and in particular the GTI, still suffer from fading in the harsh Australian sun?


    P.S: If anyone could share their pics of their own White or Red GTI's it would be much appricated. I have seen every press photo there is, but somehow the cars look different when people take their own personal photos.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pauly View Post
    Hey guys.

    I am looking at getting myself a Mk6 GTI later in 2010 (maybe the 2011 Build after July).

    I was wondering what peoples thoughts were on the White or Red GTI's?

    I LOVE both colours. White is more classic. Red is more modern. Red does match alot of the cars features (Brakes, Seats, Grill).

    However does Red Paint on modern cars, and in particular the GTI, still suffer from fading in the harsh Australian sun?


    P.S: If anyone could share their pics of their own White or Red GTI's it would be much appricated. I have seen every press photo there is, but somehow the cars look different when people take their own personal photos.
    I prefer the white as it keeps the lines visible.
    The red is so radiant that you lost the features of the car shell to the red haze.

    Fading shouldn't be an issue as paint technology has increased dramitcally.
    If all else fails though, you can get a ventureshield/3m wrap to protect the paint or get it professionally detailed for under $500 a year.

  3. #3
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    I dont think fading of a red vehicle is anything like as bad as it once was 10 years back.

    I'd love to see people pictures though all the same.

    I think the main issue with red/white is that you can usually tell the difference from the metal to plastic.

    Just looks different.
    2019 BMW M3 CS

  4. #4
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    The pigment in red paint is inherently more susceptible to fading because to appear red it has to absorb the light at the green and blue part of the spectrum. As the wavelength of the light gets smaller (moving from red to green to blue and into UV) the amount of energy and its ability to cause damage increases, hence red paint is absorbing more of the damaging light than blue paint for example and will always be at some disadvantage compared to other colors.

    I've had a couple of red cars, but they were both garaged and polished twice a year so no problems with fading, but I've seen enough faded reds around that I wouldn't buy a red car if if was planning to keep it as a long termer and it was going to be parked in the sun all day.

    I would expect that VW would have a clearcoat over the solid colour which should provide better UV protection so it should resist fading better than the solid reds of yesteryear - the question is how much better?
    Last edited by prise; 03-02-2010 at 08:54 PM. Reason: additional comment on clearcoat

  5. #5
    Red is faster, so fading doesn't worry me as much a having the fastest car

    Anyway, we have had 4 red cars in a row (starting with 99' GTI), all looked after, washed & polished & never had any hint of fading. White is nice but a lot harder to keep clean than red!

  6. #6
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    Pfft to white and silver
    Seriously... why would you want to look like veryone else who's just picking a 'safe' colour for resale - or many 'corporate fleet' cars who don't get a choice?!

    Be an individual! Pick a colour which represents your personality! I'm you're all more interesting than white!

  7. #7
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    Nov 2008
    I had a red fire engine red 3 MPS, about the brightest red I've seen on the road short of a Ferrari. Only had it for 3 years, but as long as it's washed regularly and polished twice a year I think it will be fine. It is true that red fades easier, but as long as you take care of it I wouldn't worry too much. The point at which it fades is probably going to be 8 - 10 years down the track, which likely by then it will be on to it's second or third owner.

    I resent those white comments Corey!

    In all seriousness, it comes down to personal preference. I've had a black 200sx, bright blue 206 GTi 180 and bright red 3 MPS. I think white looks really good on certain cars like the GTI. I wouldnt order white on a Falcon or Corolla though as it'd look like a rental car.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by coreying View Post
    Pfft to white and silver
    Seriously... why would you want to look like veryone else who's just picking a 'safe' colour for resale - or many 'corporate fleet' cars who don't get a choice?!

    Be an individual! Pick a colour which represents your personality! I'm you're all more interesting than white!
    Can i have mine in Beige??

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    se queensland
    Quote Originally Posted by coreying View Post
    Pfft to white and silver
    Seriously... why would you want to look like veryone else who's just picking a 'safe' colour for resale - or many 'corporate fleet' cars who don't get a choice?!

    Be an individual! Pick a colour which represents your personality! I'm you're all more interesting than white!
    Other then red there are no colours. Very lame selection. If they had included atleast a blue it dilutes the colours on road.
    2012 MY 13 Skoda Octavia VRS TDI liftback Brilliant Silver - Stock


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