Originally Posted by
hi guys
i just picked up my car last sunday and i have a few q's to ask about it
1- when i first turn on my car ( in the am) after it has been in the garage overnight, it kind of shakes a little.. i think its coming from the exhaust.. it goes for about 10-15 secs, then stops... is this normal??!

I just finished reading the owner's manual and saw your post.
The owner's manual notes that "When starting cold, the engine may be a little noisy for the first few seconds. This is quite normal, and no cause for concern" (p. 159). So I guess, unless you think it is unusually noisy, it should be OK - but then your concern is shake rather than noise. As what coreying mentioned, it is hard to tell if the shake is abnormal - I would also suggest you to see the dealer/service department if you are concerned.
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