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Thread: Q about 3 day old 118tsi~~!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
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    Q about 3 day old 118tsi~~!

    hi guys
    i just picked up my car last sunday and i have a few q's to ask about it
    1- when i first turn on my car ( in the am) after it has been in the garage overnight, it kind of shakes a little.. i think its coming from the exhaust.. it goes for about 10-15 secs, then stops... is this normal??!

    2- when i turn the steering wheel heaps when the car is at halt eg. when doing a u-turn it kinda makes a creaking noise... is this normal too??!

    your input would be great!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by boz View Post
    hi guys
    i just picked up my car last sunday and i have a few q's to ask about it
    1- when i first turn on my car ( in the am) after it has been in the garage overnight, it kind of shakes a little.. i think its coming from the exhaust.. it goes for about 10-15 secs, then stops... is this normal??!
    Probably. Is your garage sealed or open to the elements, how cold does it get? Are you starting the car with your foot off the accelerator pedal? Are you doing anything whilst it starts?

    2- when i turn the steering wheel heaps when the car is at halt eg. when doing a u-turn it kinda makes a creaking noise... is this normal too??!

    your input would be great!
    Don't turn the steering wheel a heap when the car is stationary as this puts stress on the the whole steering system plus excessive wear of your tyres. Your car should always be moving before turning the wheel.

  3. #3
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    the garage is sealed/closed so its prob not as cold as the outside weather.. im not putting my foot on the brake.. i essentially get in and sit down.. and it shakes a bit for 15 secs then stops.... hope this is ok!!


  4. #4
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    One of the forum members, logger, says that the 118TSI heats the engine very quickly to bring it and the cat up to operating temp rather quickly (he's done this using VAG-COM software connecting his laptop to the car's diag port and logging the engine start). Maybe this is what your car is doing? It's really hard for anyone here to give you a definitive answer though because we can't see, hear or feel what your car is doing, and everyone has different ideas of what "shaking a little" is

    If you're concerned, ask your dealer.

  5. #5
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by boz View Post
    hi guys
    i just picked up my car last sunday and i have a few q's to ask about it
    1- when i first turn on my car ( in the am) after it has been in the garage overnight, it kind of shakes a little.. i think its coming from the exhaust.. it goes for about 10-15 secs, then stops... is this normal??!
    I just finished reading the owner's manual and saw your post.
    The owner's manual notes that "When starting cold, the engine may be a little noisy for the first few seconds. This is quite normal, and no cause for concern" (p. 159). So I guess, unless you think it is unusually noisy, it should be OK - but then your concern is shake rather than noise. As what coreying mentioned, it is hard to tell if the shake is abnormal - I would also suggest you to see the dealer/service department if you are concerned.

    Hello in 2 weeks time... Tiguan 125TSI :: Deep Black :: DSG
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  6. #6
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    Sounds normal to me , and our 118TSI has just done 10000 kms. The colder it is, the longer the engine runs slightly rough. I'm generally the one who demists the windows (and mirrors) if the car has been left out overnight.
    2009 118 TSI
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  7. #7
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    That shake and rough idle on a cold start up is pretty normal. Mine is only 5 days old and does the same thing for a few seconds on a cold start.
    MY20 Golf GTI TCR
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  8. #8
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    1.) Have not noticed - yet. 3 days old so could start doing it.
    2.) Not a good idea to load up steering when stationery. Have not tried and probably won't either.
    118TSI - Black Pearl- DSG7 - Sports - Leather - Sunroof - MDI-----here now------


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