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Thread: Pump / motors / fans run after switching ignition / car off

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by blanch0b View Post
    just went for a drive then and temp went up to 98deg.... came back into work and switched the car off - no fan...... hmmmmm interesting......... and its quite warm in perth today (etching towards 30deg!)
    It's normal, the fan only operates when required. There is an electric water pump that operates when required to cool the turbo and the fan(s) can also run when required but this is something the car determines based on input from a variety of sensors and data.

    it may be worth a mention to the dealer when i take it in for a service...... (i will keep a very close eye on it as well!)
    Why? The car is operating normally, it's not overheating, it's not throwing any errors and all it seems you're concerned about is that the car is smarter than you and knows when it needs cooling. You'll just be wasting your time and the dealers so just enjoy the car and don't worry about the sounds (or lack of) from under the bonnet when you turn off the car.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by pom829 View Post
    on my 2010 Golf 2.0 TDI I have noticed on 2 occasions that the fan (front of engine) is still running after the car ignition is switched off and this can last up to 5 mins, I know the engine does make the odd noise or two when the engine is turned off anyway but is this normal for the fan still to be running.
    By one of those quirks of irony this happened to me for the first time last week. It wasn't a particularly warm day in Perth, and I hadn't done anything different on my drive home from work, but the fan ran for probably five minutes or so then switched itself off. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it if I were you.
    MY10 Golf MkVI 103TDI United Grey

  3. #23
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    yes the solendoids.... definately the solenoids...

    perhaps its metal contracting IN or ON the solenoids??
    Golf GTI MY11 Mk6 Reflex Silver 18inch MDI RSC BT Dark Tint G|Techniq - Buya!

  4. #24
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    My new GTD has done this a couple of times now, both after short leisurely drives on cold days. Each time it was the radiator fan and also each time there was a smell of burning rubber. The fan stopped after I turned the car on and off again. The first time was within the first 1500 km's and the second was around the 4000km mark, I have now done roughly 7000 km's without the fan turning on again.

    I wouldn't be concerned about the fan running but i was concerned about the smell. Anyone else notice the smell?

  5. #25
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    I would NOT be turning my car on and off again to try and get a fan to stop. You guys need to stop worrying so much. You are more likely to cause an issue by worrying too much and doing things like that.

    As for smell of burning rubber... all the time But smell is just as subjective as sound, so if you are concerned go to your dealer.

  6. #26
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    To all the VW newbies like myself, may I suggest running the car in a fair bit and getting used to the 'car' before heading down to the dealership. I am as paranoid as most of you esp with all the niggly bits that don't sound/seem right with the car. Apart from the obvious faults that needed attention (particular to my car), now with 1000km+ on the clock, everything just seems to have gotten 'better'. Smooth running and (touch wood) everything else feels 'right'.
    I woulnd't be overly concern about the fan as coreying suggested unless it starts over heating.
    As for the smell, the only smell I got when the car was running under 500km, was this burning metal/metallic smell after long runs or high revving. I assumed that this was just the new car smell, exhaust fumes smells 'natural' now.
    And if it fails/breaks down it's VW's problem.
    [MK6 GTI MY11 CW 3-door DSG Sunroof Detroits Dark Tint R LEDs APR Stage 1 (regrettably a few years late)]

  7. #27
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    Well, while we're on the subject of smells...

    I DO like the smell of the VW window washer additive whenever I have to wash the windscreen as I'm driving.

    I DON'T like the smell that comes through the vents after turning off the A/C but leaving the fan running. It's not very pleasant, it has a slight ammonia odour to it.

    Even after 11,800km mine still has the 'new car' smell, not as strong as it once was, but detectable all the same.
    MY10 Golf MkVI 103TDI United Grey

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frankenstrat View Post
    I DO like the smell of the VW window washer additive whenever I have to wash the windscreen as I'm driving.
    Hey noticed that too with the soapy liquid, same here.
    I'm still enjoying the new upholstery/fabric/vinyl smell.

  9. #29
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    VW Mk 6 118 TSI DSG - whine / squealing noise when i shut my car off

    Does anyone here experience a whine / squealing noise coming from the engine bay straight after the engine is turned off? It only lasts for about 20 seconds but its something new i've been hearing. I thought it could be the water pumps etc continuing to work after the engine is off but then again, whatever it is, it is very noisy and makes a louder noise compared to when the engine itself is on....

  10. #30
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    Manual or DSG???

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