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Thread: P-Plate High Performance Vehicles

  1. #61
    Join Date
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    Sydney, NSW

    Quote Originally Posted by GTI2708 View Post
    I think that there are courses being made available to P platers but these are optional...maybe they should be made cumpolsury.
    Agreed. I'd be all for it if they made it compulsory for learner drivers to take a hands-on driver training course as a requirement to teach emergency braking maneuvers etc. Would save helluva lot of lives.

    Kudos to you for working hard to get the GTI... you earnt it and it wasn't handed to you on a silver platter from your parents - this I certainly respect.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricksterrr View Post
    Agreed. I'd be all for it if they made it compulsory for learner drivers to take a hands-on driver training course as a requirement to teach emergency braking maneuvers etc. Would save helluva lot of lives.

    Kudos to you for working hard to get the GTI... you earnt it and it wasn't handed to you on a silver platter from your parents - this I certainly respect.
    Thanks mate....makes me feel a lot better. I do live in quite a rich area cos my parents have been pretty sucessful in the past few years and i hate it when people just assume i;m a spoilt rich boy just because i live where i do and go to school where i do. A kid in my class got a 120d bmw for his 16th birthday and he;s never had a job in his life. It's **** like tht that i hate. You gottta earn everything you get or else it's not really yours.
    "I just want to make it that little bit better, and little bit more unique."

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by GTI2708 View Post
    That's a good point aswell.....i am driving the GTI and although it is a veryyy quick car it does have a safety rating better than almost all other cars that P platers drive and the power to wieght is under the required amount.
    You may have conned your parents with that argument but the base model Golf has the same safety rating as the GTI and would be much safer than the GTI in the hands of a novice driver.

    In the USA the equivalent to a P platyer liscence is given at the age of 17 and there are no restrictions at all. Now i'm not saying we shouldn;t have any restrictions...but something a bit fairer would be nice. Your all probably past your P's already and don't care all tht much, but trust me, it's very annoying.
    Suck it up and learn that life isn't fair and sometimes you can't have everything that you want, something that clearly you haven't had to do before.

    Quote Originally Posted by GTI2708 View Post
    That is a verry smart response in my view.
    I do believe we need extra training., When i said tht i am a good driver i by no means mean that i think i'm as good as schumacer. I just meant tht i understand the rpoad rules and know to drive fairly competently compared to others my age. My sister, for example, whom also drives the GTI is a horrible driver. I fear to get into the car with her. Now this isn;t just girls that are bad drivers....a lot of my male freinds are quite hopeless as well. I believe that the idea of more experience is definatley key but the only way to get experience is to do the activity. I like the fact that there are laws for our roads. we need them...a lot.
    And your sister and your friends probably think exactly the same about your driving. The difference is that you'll be in a GTI and when you do make a mistake your speed will be much higher, hopefully there are no innocent motorists in between you and what you're going to hitl.

    I was only planning on chipping the car because yes it does improve performace but it also does reduce fuel usage and emmisions. I would like this for the fact that i save money on fuel and i am wanting to take it on some track days in the years to come. I'm sure many of you people would like to do the same thing.
    What a load of rubbish (still waiting to hear what you got "god" grades for as well because it wasn't English and it sure wasn't for Maths). Your parents may fall for "economy" and "saving the planet" but anyone with half a brain can see straight through that bs.

    $1800 spent on flashing. Let's assume a .5 litre reduction per 100km's travelled and assume 15,000kms a year. That's a 75 litre saving per year. Assume $1.5 per litre and that's a $112.50 saving IF you see a .5 litre reduction. Let's assume you give the car to your younger brother in 3 years and that's a $337.50 saving on a $1800 outlay. Hardly makes any financial sense if you're only flashing for those reasons does it?

    ..which will incurr a loss of liscence on your P's as im pretty sure you only get 4 points, and i will no longer be able to drive any high performance vehichles until i get my full liscence.
    Clearly your claim to know the rules "very well" doesn't apply to knowing about points or restrictions on cars.

    I just dont like being called a spoilt rich kid when i worked really hard to get the car.
    Last time I looked the GTI costs more than $20K (more like $50K onroad) and earning money working in the family business doesn't really earn you any respect. Nor do the parents for buying their children a GTI as their first car when not only is it a irresponsible thing to do (unless you want to buy a casket a short time later) from a safety point of view but it's a clearly against the law.

    And don't think people have looked passed the comments about you giving the car to your younger brother when he's old enough, someone who put $20k of his own money into a car isn't going to do this, you don't even know who's name the car is registered in and I'm thinking if anything that you're on here to troll around.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by GTI2708 View Post
    Lectures go in one ear and out the other. I think that it should me MUCH harder to get your P Plate liscence. I don't believe 120 hours is enough, i have done 187, and the actual driving test shouold be much harsher than it is.
    So after 187 hours you decree yourself to be a good driver?

    I think that there are courses being made available to P platers but these are optional...maybe they should be made cumpolsury.
    There are courses available if you want to do them. There are a heap of courses for L and P plater drivers to teach them about driving safely and defensively. I note that all you've mentioned so far is track days so perhaps you should step back a bit and learn to walk before you run or you'll end up like the other p platers with the same attitude.

  5. #65
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    1. Chill the hell out.

    2. I imagine the car is his moms, she drives it, and his sister shares the car with him.

    Now I wonder what happens when you both turn 18.

    1. Still sharing?

    2. Mum buys a new car for herself?

    At the end of the day its none of our business what his circumstances are.

    If he's exaggerating a little - fine - what 17yo doesn't talk **** when it comes to cars?

    Hell my Mirage when I was 17 pulled 3'rds bro..
    2019 BMW M3 CS

  6. #66
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    You dont have to be 17 on vwwatercooled to talk ****



  7. #67
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    WTF is your problem maverick? First off I really dpnt give a **** what you think of me and second I earnt that money from jobs well outside the family business. I had two paper boy routes when I was twelve till the age of 14 and a bit when I started working at coles. I then worked at village cinemas after a yr and a half at coles and now I'm working at a cafe. Furthermore if you had half a ****ing brain yourself you would realize that the fact I typed "god" instead of "good" would mote likely be a typo rather than a spelling error. I drive responsibly and reject and resent the fact you believe I'll be dead before 21. I mean seriously speaking who says that? Also, I realize the gti was 45g but we were planning on going base model deisel to start with. My parents made me a deal three years ago that they would double whatever I earnt for my first car. I earnt more than they expected. And once dad test drove the gti he decided hw wanted that as he could drive it as well. So get over it. Why am I different to anyone else on this forum? I seek info and recurve it from the more polite majority of this forum, and I give whatever info I can to help others
    so thanks to everyone else for helping me out.
    "I just want to make it that little bit better, and little bit more unique."

  8. #68
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