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Thread: P-Plate High Performance Vehicles

  1. #51
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    What is very interesting is that the NSW RTA has clearly listed that L platers have a speed limit of 80km/h (P1 is 90km/h and P2 is 100 km/h), the VIC Roads website doesn't seem to say anything like that.

    There are a bunch of little differences I noticed, but I thought this one was worth mentioning since it shows how clear one can be and how much interpretation the other has (neglect the P/L thing, they all say the same):

    You must display red P plates at all times (plates measuring approximately 150mm square*with a white letter P on a red background) which are clearly visible from a distance of 20 metres.

    Have L plates displayed conspicuously at the front and rear exterior of the car (or an L sign on the roof) when driving. The letter L on the plate must not be hidden.

    It's amazing how often I see people with cut down plates, even to the point of having tripped off everything but the P itself... Saw a green P plater the other day like this in a white van for a company like Pete's Painting Service with the green P cut out and stuck over one of the P's... barely noticed it Also seen a red P cut out to only the red and stuck on a red car.. same result. Gotta love the Victorian version, clear and unambiguous.
    Last edited by The_Hawk; 02-01-2010 at 11:51 AM.

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  2. #52
    Join Date
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    Restricting the speed of L and P platers is just silly! Turns them into an obstacle!



  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by GTI2708 View Post
    That's a good point aswell.....i am driving the GTI and although it is a veryyy quick car it does have a safety rating better than almost all other cars that P platers drive and the power to wieght is under the required amount.
    ...yet you want to flash it to make it more powerful.

    Although you say you are a sensible driver, you have to realise that you are still young with very little on the road experience under your belt. Many young P platers get into fatal accidents because of a combination of naivety, lack of experience, over confidence and peer pressure.

    Case in point - your mate that suggested you mod your car with ECU flash this, blow-off valve that... suggestions that you are actually planning to take on board.

    When that same mate sits in your passenger seat and eggs you on to push it, I sure hope you can display enough maturity and not give in.

    I've got no problem with P platers such as yourself getting a GTI but until you get more real-world experience under the belt I'd suggest not adding performance mods, for the safety of yourself and others on the road.

  4. #54
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    P platers need training not lectures.



  5. #55
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  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricksterrr View Post
    Many young P platers get into fatal accidents because of a combination of naivety, lack of experience, over confidence and peer pressure.
    This is true. There are quite a few loose canons. I have donte some naughty things, as has everybody out there.
    It has been said a thousand times before, education and practical experience are the key to sorting us young fellas out.
    We pay a higher insurance premium, no matter which vehicle. This covers the vehicle, not lives though...
    Point to note is the "target market", there are that many loose P-plate FEMALE (worms) drivers that get around also. The obivous distractions (phone, makeup, radio) are influential resulting in not looking when merging, tailgating, late braking resulting in rear enders...

    This is certainly not meant to offend anyone, I have had a couple of young people close to me fall as a result of fatal car accidents. This "over-representation" is a bad judgement to make. As a percentage of the total population, the number each year is not that high.

    If legislators are going to put htis much effort in, do it once and do it right, tougher licencing, more extensive training. The conditions vary that much over this large land mass NSW training is not going to cater for WA (though how many times does that happen, point being not familiar with conditions).

    The amount of old beaters available to do skids, thrown sideways etc that normal P-platers have access too are still capable of killing. I dont see the difference, if its the speeding thing, restrict the vehicle (whatever that may be) to 80/90/100 for the duration of the licencing scheme. And reduce the insurance premium also.

  7. #57
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    P platers are bad drivers and should not drive anything that even remotely resembles fast.


  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by schoona View Post
    This is true. There are quite a few loose canons. I have donte some naughty things, as has everybody out there.
    It has been said a thousand times before, education and practical experience are the key to sorting us young fellas out.
    We pay a higher insurance premium, no matter which vehicle. This covers the vehicle, not lives though...
    Point to note is the "target market", there are that many loose P-plate FEMALE (worms) drivers that get around also. The obivous distractions (phone, makeup, radio) are influential resulting in not looking when merging, tailgating, late braking resulting in rear enders...

    This is certainly not meant to offend anyone, I have had a couple of young people close to me fall as a result of fatal car accidents. This "over-representation" is a bad judgement to make. As a percentage of the total population, the number each year is not that high.

    If legislators are going to put htis much effort in, do it once and do it right, tougher licencing, more extensive training. The conditions vary that much over this large land mass NSW training is not going to cater for WA (though how many times does that happen, point being not familiar with conditions).

    The amount of old beaters available to do skids, thrown sideways etc that normal P-platers have access too are still capable of killing. I dont see the difference, if its the speeding thing, restrict the vehicle (whatever that may be) to 80/90/100 for the duration of the licencing scheme. And reduce the insurance premium also.
    That is a verry smart response in my view.
    I do believe we need extra training., When i said tht i am a good driver i by no means mean that i think i'm as good as schumacer. I just meant tht i understand the rpoad rules and know to drive fairly competently compared to others my age. My sister, for example, whom also drives the GTI is a horrible driver. I fear to get into the car with her. Now this isn;t just girls that are bad drivers....a lot of my male freinds are quite hopeless as well. I believe that the idea of more experience is definatley key but the only way to get experience is to do the activity. I like the fact that there are laws for our roads. we need them...a lot.
    There is too many hoons and i for one resent the image they have given ydrivers. I was only planning on chipping the car because yes it does improve performace but it also does reduce fuel usage and emmisions. I would like this for the fact that i save money on fuel and i am wanting to take it on some track days in the years to come. I'm sure many of you people would like to do the same thing.
    The ecu is being put off as i have called vic roads and there will be absolutley no chance whatsoever of driving the car on my P's if i do do it.
    They say that i do have an opportunity to drive the GTI but there will be extra rules. I.e. ifi get caught doing any hoonish behaviour i will recieve double demerits...which will incurr a loss of liscence on your P's as im pretty sure you only get 4 points, and i will no longer be able to drive any high performance vehichles until i get my full liscence.
    And thankyou guys very much for all the info you have given me. It is veryyy helpful as i am infact very young and unkowledgable when it comes to this kind of stuff. I just dont like being called a spoilt rich kid when i worked really hard to get the car.
    "I just want to make it that little bit better, and little bit more unique."

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    P platers need training not lectures.
    Lectures go in one ear and out the other. I think that it should me MUCH harder to get your P Plate liscence. I don't believe 120 hours is enough, i have done 187, and the actual driving test shouold be much harsher than it is. This being said, people learn things quicker than others. Although my sister may have done 95 hours of driving, she is still quite bad at it. She needs professional training rather than just intructing by my dad.
    I think that there are courses being made available to P platers but these are optional...maybe they should be made cumpolsury.
    "I just want to make it that little bit better, and little bit more unique."

  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golf Houso View Post
    P platers are bad drivers and should not drive anything that even remotely resembles fast.

    That is a fair point and i respect your vopinion on that. Unfortunatley, i don't think that is going to happen anytime soon. Peoplealways find a way around it. Like the company car loophole or the exemption i'm trying to use.
    But still, fair point.
    "I just want to make it that little bit better, and little bit more unique."

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