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Thread: Owners/expecting owners in Canberra

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Thanks Simon.

    So from you post, am I correct in assuming that your planning on getting the Ventureshield fitted, followed by a full new car detail package?

    Is anything required prior to getting the Ventureshield?


  2. #12
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    My plan is to split the new car detail package, with the clean and paint correction done before the film, and the sealant part after the film. This way I get the paint into the best condition I can, then film (with full bonnet), then sealant to provide the final protective surface over the film & non film areas.

    I figure that that will give the paintwork the best start in life, 'cause the rest of it may not be so easy!

    I don't believe anything is required before the film, the installer should clean the car before applying.
    Last edited by simonm; 12-09-2010 at 07:14 PM.
    MY11 Rising Blue 5dr DSG Golf R

  3. #13
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    You want to make sure that the car is PERFECTLY clean BEFORE the application of Ventureshield and things like G|Techniq. So it is a good idea if you've already been driving the car for a while to get a detailer to prep the car... however, you just want them to be doing a thorough wash and then surface and paint cleaning, you don't want them to apply any polish or wax.
    The guys that apply the Ventureshield and G|Techniq will then go over the paint again with an isopropyl alcohol type solution immediately before applying the film.
    However, once the film is applied, you can't detail or wash it for at least 24 hours.

    There is more information on the Ozicozi site

    Edit: simonm just posted whilst I was typing that. simonm, are you sure that you want to be putting a sealant on top of the film? Ozicozi recommend a good wax, but don't mention a sealant, unless it's a Permanon type product.
    Last edited by Corey_R; 12-09-2010 at 06:22 PM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the effort Simon.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by coreying View Post
    Edit: simonm just posted whilst I was typing that. simonm, are you sure that you want to be putting a sealant on top of the film? Ozicozi recommend a good wax, but don't mention a sealant, unless it's a Permanon type product.
    Hi coreying, According to Mrk_Mickey and carcareproducts in this thread: , synthetic sealant is fine and adheres to the film as if it were paint. I have also heard the same from other detailers when I have been ringing up to enquire about a) Ventureshield and b) post Ventureshield treatment.

    G|Techniq is also a synthetic paint sealant, and OZICOZI are quite happy to apply it on top of Ventureshield.
    Last edited by simonm; 12-09-2010 at 07:13 PM.
    MY11 Rising Blue 5dr DSG Golf R

  6. #16
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    Aaah ok. I thought they just put the G|Techniq on the areas not covered by the Ventureshield. Since to get the car covered in G|Techniq "starts from $520" yet in combination with the Ventureshield it's only $295 (it could be a generous combo discount, but I'm sure my workmate said they only applied it to the rest of the car when he had it done on his A4). Either way, as long as they've said it's fine on top of the Ventureshield, great.

  7. #17
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    I thought the discount for G|Techniq was due to the fact the they don't have to clean the car for both the Ventureshield installation AND the sealant installation, so you save on at least that portion of the labour (I seem to recall that the discount only applies if you get them done at the same time, if you do it later it's the usual price).

    I certainly could be wrong though, maybe they do only cover the non-film parts of the car.

    Anyone know for sure?
    Last edited by simonm; 12-09-2010 at 07:24 PM.
    MY11 Rising Blue 5dr DSG Golf R

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Canberra, ACT
    Hey guys

    Saad from Obsession Car Detailing ( here

    Just to let you know if you have any question contact me on

    And thanks to Simon for mentioning me here - for the new car detail, I will be decontaminating and polishing the paint to get rid of any swirls and get the paint in the best condition possible - the polish I use has no silicones etc in it, so the pain will be perfectly clean. After the application of the film, I will apply sealant or carnuba wax, or both, your choice.

    Just to mention I detailed 2 VWs this weekend for the German Autofest - they both won awards



  9. #19
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    Delivery DATE???

    So I've just been told that my week 38 build is now expected late December/January.
    Has anyone else been told this? What are your expected delivery dates?
    I bought from Canberra/Belconnen VW.

  10. #20
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    I have just heard back from Craig at Autografika regarding paint protection film for my R, and I thought I would post an update to this thread:

    "Things have changed a bit since I spoke to you last. We are now a Ventureshield outlet. In speaking with my supplier they advised me not to do full bonnets for a number of reasons, the main one being that the film isn't wide enough and can't be spliced to be made wider. They are currently working on the kit for the Golf R, the GTi kit is $726 installed, I think the R kit will be around the same price, possibly just a bit more expensive due to the number of cuts in the grille.

    I will get back to you with an accurate price shortly. Mid december will be good for us, the R kit will definitely be developed by then as well."

    I have asked about other possibilities for full bonnet and will update again when I hear back.
    MY11 Rising Blue 5dr DSG Golf R

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