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Thread: The Official VWW VCDS Tweak Library

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Melbourne, Vic

    I am a bit dissappointed they did not put the decent bright activity light on the more expensive unit. Perhaps to do with production runs. The Micro-CAN being newer and all.

    dave- I am envious of you packing a vcds to netbook combo. I am using a 15" laptop. Shame VCDS does not output to WinCE. Imagine if you could feed it into those knock off 7" navunits. Virtual gauges and all sorts of eye candy to be had.
    Anyone know of a very small inexpensive tablet PC with around 4", 5" or 6" screen? Would have to run XP, Vista or Win7.

    Digressing back onto the thread topic.
    Anyone got 09 Cent Elec > Coding.. byte 16 bit 2, "Emerg brake Warning active" working? I have had it set for about 6 months and never noticed if come on when I have trigged the ABS.
    Last edited by logger; 28-10-2010 at 05:39 PM.
    Golf Mk6 118 TSI DSG |APR Stage I ECU Upgrade | HEX-USB+CAN

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Hey all. I did a bit of a clean up of the discussion in this thread and left just the posts which contained VCDS tweak info. Much of the relevant discussion had been incorporated into the first posts.

    But there is still a long way to go.

    Everyone is welcome to help out. Whilst Ryan_R started this thread, any member can look through his post, find a topic not listed, or one with a temporary header and "To be added" and post a guide for it. I will then place it in the first posts and put your name there as credit.

    Please help out and share your findings!

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by logger View Post
    Anyone got 09 Cent Elec > Coding.. byte 16 bit 2, "Emerg brake Warning active" working? I have had it set for about 6 months and never noticed if come on when I have trigged the ABS.
    I verified the hazard flashers can be triggered by the ABS activation when the other option is selected but I havent found anyone that wants to drive behind me and verify that the brake lights flash when I trigger the ABS ....

  4. #14
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    if no one wants to drive behind you (he/she might end up kissing your car with that abrupt braking test) , set a video camera on a tripod on a quiet street (you don't want a crowded street where u might crash or have your camera nicked)

  5. #15
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    November was extremely busy at work (we moved offices, and being IT Support, well I'm sure you can work that one out). I've also been transitioning to a new work laptop with Win7 (been using Win7 at home since the Beta started) - anyway - I'll try to get around to taking screenshots for other stuff, butas Corey said, you're all welcome to beat me to it

  6. #16
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    No problem man. This is my first "day off" since... well, somewhere before November (don't wanna actually figure it out because that'll be depressing). It has meant that this way for my car since it was offloaded from the Morning Camilla on Nov 19th has been easier! Get it on Monday. But I've a list of things to do before I'll realistically be able to contribute any actual VCDS information to this thread

  7. #17
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    I took a bunch of screenies today (but didn't really note down where to go to find those options, but I think I've got it ok). I'll let one of you new owners be a verifier as I didn't have time. Plus, I also need someone with xenons/fog lights to confirm some of the other options pertaining to those.

  8. #18
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    Nov 2009
    Ok so either I don't know what I'm doing or the R is different.... I did an autoscan at debug level 2 and it created a bunch of files which I'll send to Dana, off memory for the AWD, elec suspension and 2 others.

    I wanted to set some stuff but my screens differ vastly and some don't exist?
    - disable seat belt chime
    - the coming home lights so they headlights stay on for 2mins or until I lock the car
    - make the rear wiper use the rain sensor and auto close windows/roof

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    So any R owners played around with VCDS yet? What stuff can we change?

  10. #20
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    Nope! That's still on my "to do" list in OneNote

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