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Thread: Niggle with reverse cam on GTI Mk6

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Niggle with reverse cam on GTI Mk6

    I have the RNS510 with reverse cam (and rear sensors).
    I've noticed if I start the car and put it into reverse quickly (eg reversing out of garage), the camera sometimes doesn't show up on the screen even though I can hear the camera popping out under the VW logo at the back.
    It seems it takes a few seconds for the RNS to "boot up" properly and if you dont allow it to, the camera viewing somehow doesn;t kick in. If I were to drive off regardless, the camera still won't transmit until I turn off the car, turn it back on and wait the required few seconds for the RNS to "system start" properly.
    Annoying to me but has anyone else noticed this?
    Mk6 GTI - 5dr Carbon - DSG - Leather - SatNav/RVC - MDI - 18' detroits - Parkassist - ACC - sunroof - Tints

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I thought there was a firmware update that fixed this issue and the optical parking system.

    Might help to look into the firmware upgrade.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Thread Starter
    The cars only 2 weeks old so I assume its the latest firmware?
    Mk6 GTI - 5dr Carbon - DSG - Leather - SatNav/RVC - MDI - 18' detroits - Parkassist - ACC - sunroof - Tints

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by booya View Post
    The cars only 2 weeks old so I assume its the latest firmware?
    You assumed wrong, your RNS 510 probably has FW revision 1200 installed. The reasons why have been discussed many times so a search will fill you in. With the camera take the issue up with your dealer and make sure you can replicate the fault and show them, you'll have to leave the car off for 20 minutes to allow the car to go into sleep mode before you try.

    Can you open the drivers door before you normally would? ie if you normally pop the hatch to put some things in there open the drivers door first so the RNS 510 has started before you start the car.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Sounds like it's worth getting the latest firmware from the dealer anyway but the RNS 510 has a bootup time on cold starts whereas the RCD 510 is ready to go instantly. I don't think you have to wait long anyway, by the time you put on your seatbelt and shut the door etc.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-rig View Post
    I don't think you have to wait long anyway, by the time you put on your seatbelt and shut the door etc.
    Not quite. Getting in the car and belting up takes a few seconds, whereas the RNS510 cold startup time is more like 15 - 20 seconds. I haven't timed it, but if I'm slack with warming up the engine, then I can get all the way out of my driveway without the camera kicking in.

    If you warm the engine up for 10 seconds after getting in, then the system has time to boot and the camera will work. I've found it slightly annoying at times, but nothing worth mentioning to the dealer.
    GTI MKVI Candy White | 5 door | DSG | ACC | 18" Detroits | Leather | Electric Seat | Sunroof | RNS510 | Dynaudio | Park Assist | RVC | MDI

  7. #7
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    I always turn on my engine before even getting in the car....

    You know, open the door, turn on the car, take my jacket and/or backpack off and put it in the back seat, then get in the car. So I'd never have an issue... not that I have an RVC atm. Or a RNS510. Or a MK6...

    ... *walks away sulking*

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Niggle with reverse cam on GTI Mk6

    It's nothing to worry about, if u don't want a delay stick to the RCD 510. It's worth a small wait for the extra features and people are getting too fussy or bored with all these topics.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    This is a good discussion as it explains why my RNS-510's Hard Disc always spins up when I open the drivers door, even when the car is not started. I still manage to beat it though as it has not started the navigation by the time I back out onto the street. I plan to add the backup camera next month, so it will be interesting to see where its place is in the RNS-510s boot startup script. I would hope it is at the top.

  10. #10
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    Jan 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by MurphyTheElf View Post
    Not quite. Getting in the car and belting up takes a few seconds, whereas the RNS510 cold startup time is more like 15 - 20 seconds. I haven't timed it, but if I'm slack with warming up the engine, then I can get all the way out of my driveway without the camera kicking in.

    If you warm the engine up for 10 seconds after getting in, then the system has time to boot and the camera will work. I've found it slightly annoying at times, but nothing worth mentioning to the dealer.
    The camera is ready to go within a few seconds of startup, you open the door and the unit starts booting, even if you sit straight in and start the car it displays the camera as the OPS/Camera component is one of the first to load, followed by Music and the remainder with Navigation towards the end of the startup sequence.

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