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Thread: MY10 2009 Build vs 2010 Build

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by DracZ View Post
    When scouting around for quotes there was some slight confusion on my part since my car was built DEC 2009, and complianced here in FEB 2010. I'm with AAMI and they take the compliance year as the "year" for the car. So for those with cars built late 2009, just keep that in mind.
    AAMI specifically state "Year of Manufacture" and describe this as "The Year your car was Manufactured".

    Insurance companies and government departments use the year of manufacture.

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnA View Post
    insurance companies won't go on build date though. The rego sticker would say 2010 golf, insurance it would be insured as a 2010 model also
    Insurance companies do go on the manufacture date as it's the only date that matters. You will notice that insurance companies allow for different model years but the the manufacture date is what everything is based on.

    Consumer Affairs in Victoria says:

    A car’s age will affect its resale value. For resale, the age is determined by the year of manufacture stamped on the car’s build plate.

    The build plate, usually attached to the firewall between the engine and passenger compartments, is affixed when the motor vehicle when it is assembled.

    If the build plate has been tampered with, do not buy the car.

    The date on the build plate should also be printed on the 'notice of particulars' which is attached to the window of a used car by the motor car trader (for more information about the 'notice of particulars' see Question 6).

    The build date differs from the car’s compliance plate date, which confirms that the vehicle complies with Australian design standards for safety and emissions. The compliance plate, also attached to the firewall, shows the date it was fitted to the vehicle by the importer (for imported cars) or the manufacturer (for locally built cars).

    There may be a significant difference between the build date and the compliance date due to shipping and storage time. The compliance plate may even be fitted in a different year.

    Sometimes a new car marketed as a 'current model' will have been manufactured the previous year. Remember that the age of a car – a factor likely to affect its resale value – is taken from its date of manufacture, not its date of first registration.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Really? Then I must've been told the wrong information over the phone by the AAMI rep. Either way they have all the relevant details (build / compliance date) etc and my car is still insured as a 2010 model even though it has a DEC 2009 build date.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Not much difference between the year models and i don't think anyone will care after 4 years if it was built end of Dec 09 or start of 10. Agree looking after it and keeping the km down helps more with resale.

    Obviously it will take longer to get a 10 build out here than a 09. I grabbed an 09 build but didn't have to wait at all so was worth it.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by kennyc View Post
    Did you dealer say when the car was built?
    Mine was built 3rd week of 2010, am happy i am getting a 2010 built car.

    Although i reckon in June/July when they start building the new model (MY11 or new revision?) i assume they will have bluetooth or something as standard!
    Just speculation of course!!
    Yes, and along with the new model, you also get a price increase!!!

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by DracZ View Post
    Really? Then I must've been told the wrong information over the phone by the AAMI rep. Either way they have all the relevant details (build / compliance date) etc and my car is still insured as a 2010 model even though it has a DEC 2009 build date.
    I think you are being told the correct information, you just don't understand what you're being told.

    As Maverick stated, your insurance is based on when the car was built! In your case it's 2009. This doesn't mean you don't have a 2010 model (i.e. MY10). Because you DO have a MY10. MY10 cars were built from about July onwards (does anyone have the exact month?).

    So in summary:
    You have a MY10 car, which your insurance company recognises.
    Your premium was based on the build date, 2009.
    Your resale will be based on the build date, 2009.
    Your compliance plate will be 2010, but this only means that's when it passed the ADR changes and checks, and is not a factor in its insurance or resale.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: MY10 2009 Build vs 2010 Build

    My insurance states that it's a my10 and 09 build.. Don't know what all the fuss is about.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by coreying View Post
    I think you are being told the correct information, you just don't understand what you're being told.

    As Maverick stated, your insurance is based on when the car was built! In your case it's 2009. This doesn't mean you don't have a 2010 model (i.e. MY10). Because you DO have a MY10. MY10 cars were built from about July onwards (does anyone have the exact month?).

    So in summary:
    You have a MY10 car, which your insurance company recognises.
    Your premium was based on the build date, 2009.
    Your resale will be based on the build date, 2009.
    Your compliance plate will be 2010, but this only means that's when it passed the ADR changes and checks, and is not a factor in its insurance or resale.
    Appreciate the somewhat lengthy reply, but what I stated early was exactly what I was told. Your information definitely sounds more accurate, and it was probably just a case of the insurance rep not wanting to get into further detail, or perhaps s/he were just flat out wrong, but please don't assume I lack the ability to understand simple information when told directly.

    When being told explicitly over the phone that my premium etc was based on the car's compliance date, I don't really think there's much room for misinterpretation on my part, no?

    In any case thanks for clearing it up.

  8. #18
    guest12345 Guest
    There is a slight price difference for insurance... $50+...

    When i was looking at insurance for my pirelli a few weeks back, i was getting quotes online, and i was like 08 or 09...? it is a my09 but there were 2 years to it... and 09 built is cheaper than 08 built... but apparently all pirellis in australia was built in 08...

    So don't know why they have 2 options, i still don't know if mine is a 08 built or 09 built... because if it is done by compliance it wasn't until 2009...

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by den525 View Post
    There is a slight price difference for insurance... $50+...

    When i was looking at insurance for my pirelli a few weeks back, i was getting quotes online, and i was like 08 or 09...? it is a my09 but there were 2 years to it... and 09 built is cheaper than 08 built... but apparently all pirellis in australia was built in 08...

    So don't know why they have 2 options, i still don't know if mine is a 08 built or 09 built... because if it is done by compliance it wasn't until 2009...
    They list two dates when you get a quote (check AAMI's quoting tool out for an example), the first is the year of manufacture and the second is the model year.

    08 VW Golf GTI 2.0l MY09 DSG (built in 08 and a MY09 model)
    09 VW Golf GTI 2.0l MY09 DSG (built in 09 and a MY09 model)

    Yours is a 2008 build as no Mark V's were built after late 2008 when the factories retooled for the Mark VI. The build date is the date of manufacture. The compliance plate date is the date the car was complianced and the bond was paid.

  10. #20
    guest12345 Guest

    yeah i know that, you have mentioned that before... but if no MkV were built after 2008... there shouldn't be any 09 VW Golf MY09 around, but there are so many people on carsales and other forums with 09 MY09 mkv cars.

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