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Thread: My Notorious Mk6 118tsi - Intermittent Starting Problem - Won't Crank

  1. #1
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    My Notorious Mk6 118tsi - Intermittent Starting Problem - Won't Crank

    Hi guys!

    New member here and believe me I have searched the nether reaches for a solution to this problem.

    I have a 2012 Mk6 Golf 118TSI (I know right?)

    So I've had the supercharger clutch fail and replaced that.
    I've had the alternator fail after oil spilt all through it (my bad) Has been replaced.

    After replacing the above two items now my Golf has developed and intermittent starting problem.
    Sometimes it starts first go, I'll drive it around, come home go inside get ready, come back out and try to start it and NOTHING. EPC light stays on. No crank at all. Just a click. I thought this was the Starter so I've replaced it and it's doing the exact same thing. I've had the battery tested and its ok. It won't crank with a jump start either. Also interesting is if I roll it back a few feet then sometimes it starts. Also the red light for the keys and immobiliser are functioning correctly so I do not think it's an access problem. I've also tried both sets of keys.

    I've heard that this could be coil packs or the cam position sensor? I'm just getting too broke to keep replacing these items without knowing that it'll work. Also as usual the local VW dealer here is absolutely useless so id rather not involve them.

    I'm not getting any codes show up either but I'm only using a cheap scan tool.

    Any info would be appreciated!

  2. #2
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    Even a cheap tool should show up codes, even if it doesn't know what they mean. So if it's clear it's probably clear.

    Is it DSG or Manual?

    I'm only guessing here, but if it's not cranking it could be either the ignition switch, the gear selector switch (DSG) or the clutch switch (Manual) not working 100% right and letting the car start.

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  3. #3
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    Check your ignition switch most likely a fault might be stored for it if you can check it via diagnostic plug

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Hawk View Post
    Even a cheap tool should show up codes, even if it doesn't know what they mean. So if it's clear it's probably clear.

    Is it DSG or Manual?

    I'm only guessing here, but if it's not cranking it could be either the ignition switch, the gear selector switch (DSG) or the clutch switch (Manual) not working 100% right and letting the car start.
    Yeah it was throwing up the supercharger clutch code but I cleared that and now it’s not showing any.

    It’s a DSG. That’s a really good point about the gear selector switch I might look into that! Any idea on where it is?

    Thanks a bunch!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by grtuned View Post
    Check your ignition switch most likely a fault might be stored for it if you can check it via diagnostic plug

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I haven’t gone down this path yet. I shall look into it! Thank you

  6. #6
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    I’ve just tested the power to the starter motor. It’s getting 12.41 from both the main cable that runs directly to the battery and the other plug that goes to it which I’m guessing is the ignition signal. The battery is sitting at 12.80 and I’ve also tried starting it with the battery out of my Navara (700cca) If the starter is getting power then it should crank right? Or does the ECU play a part in this as well??

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    It was the earth cable that runs from the top of the gearbox to the chassis. Was rubbing on something and had a massive chunk out of it. Made my own earth out of spare cable and bam she’s starting every time now!

  8. #8
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    Electric gremilns are the worst, especially when they are intermittent. Glad to hear you've worked it out!

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

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