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Thread: Model year?

  1. #11
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    It will be registered by the compliance/build date so it will still show as being a 2012 model for all rego purposes.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Model year has nothing to do with the rego label.

    When it comes time to sell its the build date that is used to value the car. The build date is 2012

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by minke View Post
    can I ask, do you know when your car landed in the Melbourne port? a boat docked there on the 27th Dec. Curious if your car was on that boat. (tongala)
    I saw it on the showroom floor around that date so it almost certainly wasn't on that boat. All I know is the build date is the date when the engine and the chassis are bolted together and that was mid June in my case. I have no idea how long the rest of the build or how long it would kick about in Germany before catching the boat over here.

    I take it you've got a car on that boat?

  4. #14
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    It probably says 2012 cause that's the year it would have been complied in Australia.
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  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by pologti18t View Post
    Model year has nothing to do with the rego label.

    When it comes time to sell its the build date that is used to value the car. The build date is 2012
    Most valuations that I've seen are based on model year rather than build date. My understanding is that car manufacturers start building the next model year around June so they hit dealerships by September. People are happy to buy a 2012 model in October 2012 but expect discounts on last years car come Jan 2013.

  6. #16
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    MY changes around July each year and just represents minor changes to the car. So MY13 covers July 2012 to June 2013.

    My 2009 Golf is a MY10 (delivered September).

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_R View Post
    MY changes around July each year and just represents minor changes to the car. So MY13 covers July 2012 to June 2013.

    My 2009 Golf is a MY10 (delivered September).
    My Polo is an MY11 with a build date of Sept 2010 and I had a large argument with a certain insurance company who wanted an extra 25% for the extended warranty because of the build date.

    After a lot of back and forth they finally admitted it was an error in their system and the 2010 had been flagged as a higher risk category then the 2011.

    After I asked them what was the difference between a car with a build date of 28 Dec 2010 to one with a date of Jan 4th 2011 they did some research and gave me a refund of the difference.

    Persistence pays
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by richmurphy View Post
    Most valuations that I've seen are based on model year rather than build date. My understanding is that car manufacturers start building the next model year around June so they hit dealerships by September. People are happy to buy a 2012 model in October 2012 but expect discounts on last years car come Jan 2013.
    The year that appears on your rego will be the "compliance date". My car was built in late 2010 in Germany, but was complied February 2011 in Australia. It is registered as a 2011 Golf GTI DSG Adidas due to the compliance date. To all authorities, insurance companies etc it is a 2011 model. 2011 is the year in which it turned from being an assembly of parts, into a vehicle registerable on australian roads. I don't know whether it is an "MY10" or "MY11" but judging by what people have said it's probably an MY11.

    It sounds like maybe the salesperson either misunderstood what you were asking, or creatively led you to believe that the car you were buying was a 2013 model, which technically it is, but I assume you were actually wanting a 2013 complied vehicle so when you go to sell it, you'll be selling a 2013 plate vehicle and not a 2012 plate vehicle. Sound about right?

    It wouldn't surprise me, because when I was bargaining with another dealer at the time, he was trying to steer me away from the Adidas so I would buy a GTI from them, because he said that all Adidas cars are 2010 build, which concerned me initially until I checked with the dealer selling the Adidas who then confirmed it was complied in 2011 therefore it would be registered as a 2011 model. They say what they have to say to get you to buy the car.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobes_WIR35 View Post
    The year that appears on your rego will be the "compliance date". My car was built in late 2010 in Germany, but was complied February 2011 in Australia. It is registered as a 2011 Golf GTI DSG Adidas due to the compliance date. To all authorities, insurance companies etc it is a 2011 model. 2011 is the year in which it turned from being an assembly of parts, into a vehicle registerable on australian roads. I don't know whether it is an "MY10" or "MY11" but judging by what people have said it's probably an MY11.

    It sounds like maybe the salesperson either misunderstood what you were asking, or creatively led you to believe that the car you were buying was a 2013 model, which technically it is, but I assume you were actually wanting a 2013 complied vehicle so when you go to sell it, you'll be selling a 2013 plate vehicle and not a 2012 plate vehicle. Sound about right?

    It wouldn't surprise me, because when I was bargaining with another dealer at the time, he was trying to steer me away from the Adidas so I would buy a GTI from them, because he said that all Adidas cars are 2010 build, which concerned me initially until I checked with the dealer selling the Adidas who then confirmed it was complied in 2011 therefore it would be registered as a 2011 model. They say what they have to say to get you to buy the car.
    Well contrary to your situation my insurance company asked for the "build date" and werent interested at all in the fact that it was an MY11.
    They said the risk is calculated on the year of build.

    Your VIN number will tell you which model it is as the 10th digit is what defines that. B is 2011 which is on my car but was built 10/10 and complianced 11/10 so is a 2010 but is a MY11. I thought it took 2 months to get here but maybe not.

    "They say what they have to say to get you to buy the car" Maybe he did.

    The details are on the compliance plate on the B pillar when you open the passenger door
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  10. #20
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    Compliance date has little, if anything, to do with car valuations or insurance.

    I just went to the AAMI site for insurance. The question is "When was your car manufactured". That's not compliance date (which could be months or years after build date)

    I went to the NRMA site and it says "Year the car was made"

    Model Year will have an affect if two cars made in the same year have different Model Year designations signifying an upgrade.
    Then again it could work the other way if the MY change introductions equipment deletions or downgrades.
    Last edited by pologti18t; 10-01-2013 at 09:26 AM.

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