It doesn't need to be checked. It has a 'lifetime' fill of oil.
Hi people,
Dumb question for the day......
Where do I check the DSG transmission fluid level?? I've tried searching the forum but came up empty - which I sincerely hope the DSG is not! Thanks everyone....
Last edited by harbour2929; 03-01-2010 at 06:03 PM. Reason: Posted in wrong forum.
It doesn't need to be checked. It has a 'lifetime' fill of oil.
I could tell you how, but for your own sanity, I wont.
What does it say in the manual.
Just go to the dealer for the service or for any concerns IMO.
Don't worry about it, you'll know that it's empty when you notice $8000 missing from your wallet
The car will let you know if the DSG levels get low before you do any damage, the oil is changed at 60,000km intervals at a cost of around $400. The procedure to change/check the fluid is not easy and requires specialist tools and knowledge.
Hey thanks everyone for your replies..... Maverick, in regard to my wallet you have put 3 too many zeros in the amount that lives in there.... Thanks again for your help.....