225/40 R18.
I suggest you read this thread: Good price on Goodyear Tyres
Rubal is still doing fantastic deals on Eagle F1 A2s - he'll ship them to you and you can get them fitted locally. Save hundreds.
2008 MkV Volkswagen Golf R32 DSG
2005 MkV Volkswagen Golf 2.0 FSI Auto
Sold: 2015 8V Audi S3 Sedan Manual
Sold: 2010 MkVI Volkswagen Golf GTI DSG
Latest price for four Goodyear F1 Asymmetric 2 225/40 R18s was $740 plus $60 for freight to Canberra (I'm in Perth). I only need two but if I bought the four plus freight, fitting and balancing they would still be more than the Tempe prices (and more work for me). Thanks for the link though.
2010 | Mk 6 | Golf GTI | DSG | black | 18" Detroit's | MDI
You might have to buy online & ship them.
carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums
Do I have to use 225/40 18s?
2010 | Mk 6 | Golf GTI | DSG | black | 18" Detroit's | MDI
pretty much unless you buy some 17" rims. 235/40r18 are cheaper but need a minimum 8" rim IIRC. You are on 7.5"???
Here's how to get the best price:
Go to Tempe tyres website. 225/40r18 are around $200. I'd recomend Michelin PS3 which are $225.
x4= $900
Allow $100 for shipping to Perth = $1000
Allow $100 for fit, balance, valves & disposal = $1100
Go to Bob Jane's (or whoever is local) and ask them to match the price. BJs will match AU web prices these days. If they don't want to come close then bring your tyres in from the East.
BTW, Dunlop SP SportMaxx 92Y are $150 each at Tempe so I'm not sure what orifice your local tyre dealers are pulling their prices out of.
carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums
Don't know what my rim size is sorry.
The Beaurepairs quote was for Dunlop SP SportMaxx GT ZR18 92Y. There are "non-GT" and there are "Z" rated. Mine are GT and ZR. I don't know if I HAVE to have those. Apparently the "Z" allows for higher speeds - I can sacrifice that. As for the R or ZR classification I am clueless.
2010 | Mk 6 | Golf GTI | DSG | black | 18" Detroit's | MDI
There's a wonderful placard inside your fuel flap that will tell you the rim size and also the minimum load & speed rating. It is not unlikely that the tyres fitted are of a higher rating than the minimum requirement for a Golf of 92 (630kg) and Y (300kph).
The only 225/40r18 Sport Maxx GT that Dunlop list on their site is 99Y (775kg/300kph).
GT is just a model designation and means nothing in terms of performance or technical meaning - like Michelin has a PS3.
ZR = probably another marketing tool as R means radial & Z is a 240kph speed rating which is obviously less than the 300kph Y rating.
I think the Beaurepaires guy probably isn't very good at explaining things or is trying to confuse you into paying a lot more than you need to. /looks again - is he trying to sell you the 235/40ZR18 95ZR???
Anyway, I think you've been given sufficient info to make an informed choice and probably save a few hundred dollars and end up with a better tyre than the Dunlop. Both the Goodyear F1A2 and the Michelin PS3 are far better than the Dunlop in any test - take your pick.
carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums