I was never keen because it:
Took a chunk out of my margin (we had huge buying power & could buy brake parts for beans).
The parts were invariably wrong or fitted badly and you couldn't get an immediate replacement.
If the end result wasn't 100% there was always the argument as to whether the parts were at fault or the workmanship (and who would pay for the rectification).
Customer parts just add a layer of complication that you don't need.
If a customer suggested they supply their own parts I would often ask what they were paying and give a discount on our "house brands" so that I could warrant the whole job rather than just the workmanship. The internet didn't exist then ( a St.Bernard delivered the parts in winter) so the prices didn't vary as much as now.
carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums