to be honest dude alli can read there is its telling where to go and usual things can be done to it.. nothing really into it.
no diff to a mk5 in the sense what you can do to any other car.. and vwteam sites have a bit of info too!
For all you MK6 GTI possible owners, here is a few ideas for mods, based on what is going on in Europe. Sorry in German, but nice pics anyway.
to be honest dude alli can read there is its telling where to go and usual things can be done to it.. nothing really into it.
no diff to a mk5 in the sense what you can do to any other car.. and vwteam sites have a bit of info too!
What’s behind you doesn’t matter..
Nice post Zebby.
How horn does the carbon rear defuser look on the EAH Customs GTi (pic 12)