Cluster is easy to remove - ive had mine out a few times trying to locate a rattle.
Pretty sure the lighting for the dials are LED's and are soldered into the circuit board though
Hey guys,
I'm just wondering if anyone else has had their instrument cluster lights go out. My speedo is now only partially lit. 30km around to about 120km is no longer lit.
It looks like it's easier to remove the cluster from the dash but what about replacing the light/s. Where could i source new ones?
Last edited by Sawbin; 09-03-2016 at 12:59 PM.
2011 MkVI Golf GTI Reflex Silver DSG MDI Bluetooth RVC 18'' Detroits R Tails
Cluster is easy to remove - ive had mine out a few times trying to locate a rattle.
Pretty sure the lighting for the dials are LED's and are soldered into the circuit board though
If they light up at all, it's not the LED's, so replacing them would be futile.
Look for a circuit or software fault.
Unfortunately they dont all light up. Its hard to tell from the picture. I'm yet to check fuses but i would assume that they'd all be out if a fuse had blown
2011 MkVI Golf GTI Reflex Silver DSG MDI Bluetooth RVC 18'' Detroits R Tails
It might end up being an issue that's more trouble (and expense) than what its worth to fix. From the photo it looks as if you can still read the speed between 30-120kph albeit its a bit dimmer.
And replacing the entire cluster is a pain in the ar$e because the immobiliser is linked to it = ends up being an expensive fix.
No, it won't be a fuse (that'd be too easy...) — it's more likely to be a faulty solder joint than anything else.
LED's are fairly hardy things, and hopefully VW don't use the production rejects that go into cheap toys.
I've found a place here in Perth that can take a look at it for me. If they can fix it then they'll only need the cluster for a day or two. Looks like my only option at this stage
Last edited by Sawbin; 10-03-2016 at 08:59 AM.
2011 MkVI Golf GTI Reflex Silver DSG MDI Bluetooth RVC 18'' Detroits R Tails