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Thread: MK6 GTI Allocation

  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by windmagnet View Post
    Tough decision in the end, as the R32 is an awesome car and the next R will be nothing like it (no V6 soundtrack and not AWD).
    Um... The Golf R is definitely AWD. This has been official for a long time now! It's actually substantially quicker than the R32 as well

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by coreying View Post
    Um... The Golf R is definitely AWD. This has been official for a long time now! It's actually substantially quicker than the R32 as well
    That's right.

    Some of you guys need to spend more time reading AUSmotive!

    MY10 S3 3dr

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I just might've taken it. The dealer sent me the final contract yesterday....


    .... and delivery date on your contract is?

  4. #54
    Join Date
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    Hrmm got a call from the dealer and some choices... either pay more for options I dont really want and get a car by mid nov (i.e. car comes as 5door - wanted 3, comes with 17's - wanted 18s, comes with sunroof - didnt want one).

    Or wait till end of Dec (worst case I have been told) and get what I'm after... Although 5 door with sunroof would be better for resale and 17's cheaper for tyres...

    Decisions decisions, compounded by the fact I havent had a car for 3 weeks (sold my old car) and its been a huge pain in the rear, to wait till end of Dec might kill me lol.

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hail View Post
    Or wait till end of Dec (worst case I have been told) and get what I'm after... Although 5 door with sunroof would be better for resale and 17's cheaper for tyres...

    Decisions decisions, compounded by the fact I havent had a car for 3 weeks (sold my old car) and its been a huge pain in the rear, to wait till end of Dec might kill me lol.
    Wait man... end of December is 2 months. Buy a 2nd hand scooter or a push bike. Grab public transport. Carpool. I had to go more than 2 months after a bus wrote off my Golf GTI before I got my insurance payout and could go get my Polo GTI (was getting a new house at the time, so couldn't get a car loan while also getting a home loan). I'm nowhere near the city, so public transport bites... but two months wait for the car you want is nothing

  6. #56
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    Yeah good point, although if he gives me a cracker of a deal on the 5 door I might take it in light of the fact it will be way better for resale. If the price is no better than RRP.. Ill be definately waiting for the 3 door, don't see many of them around and it will look sweet sitting on those 18" monza shadows.

  7. #57
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    I'm not sure that a 5 door is necessarily better for resale... There are a lot of people that like the 3 door models, and they're usually rarer (at least they were for the MK5 since they didn't come out til much later), so their price is usually about the same as the 5 door models, even though they're $1500 cheaper new. Sunroof is a nice option, but options usually don't add 100% of their value to resale either.
    As for price of 17 vs 18" tyres. The difference is a lot less than it used to be. I'm not sure what the Australian prices are (cause they're always stupidly expensive anyway), but on the US prices for Continental Contact Sport 3 for the 17" is US$180 each, and for the 18" is US$199 each. In other words, less than $90 Australian for the full set of 4 tyres between 17" and 18".

  8. #58
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    Ok I get it coreying, you prefer the 3 door - so do I. Sunroof doesnt bother me really, had it in my old car and I rarely used it!

    Going to call the dealer and see what he's done on the price!

  9. #59
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by MIRSAD View Post
    .... and delivery date on your contract is?
    No delivery date yet since that information hasn't been officially released by VWA.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by JasonP View Post
    Told to me by the VW Sales Manager at the Dealer I bought my 103TDI from. VWA told him to put on 2 (of the 6 allocated to him to Dec 09) as demos.

    You don't think they'll be potential buyers interested enough in test drives to justify 3 demos?

    Having worked in a dealership a few years back, you'd be amazed at what the Manufacturer can dictate to Dealers.

    Eg HSV used to have certain requirements regarding the size & layout & signage for the showrooms at the Dealer.
    What if VW Australia told the dealer to put eight demo's on,would they?
    What if there was a particular model that was slow selling and VW Aus said put three on as a demo's?
    I think a lot depends on dealership size, expectations and what is considered an exceptable demo fleet.

    As for corporate signage that is an industry standard.

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