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Thread: MK6 GTI Allocation

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by aeon View Post
    Sounds like these are going to be fairly hard to come by... maybe I will just get a Mazda3 MPS after all... different sort of car of course, but about $8k cheaper + more available.
    Why would you willingly punish yourself like that ?! :p

  2. #22
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    I saw a car transporter heading north on the M1 near Brisbane with at least one black 4 door GTI on board. There were possibly more , I only caught it out of the corner of my eye. I shall investigate my local gold coast holding yards.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by aeon View Post
    Sounds like these are going to be fairly hard to come by... maybe I will just get a Mazda3 MPS after all... different sort of car of course, but about $8k cheaper + more available.
    How do you figure $8K when the base price is similar to the Golf?

    I'd have to be wondering why a dealership would put 3 demos on?

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Penrith, NSW
    yeah this happened with the MkVs as well...i got one of the first ones available and was aware that it was going to be a bit hit and miss as to what options were on the car. I paid through the nose for it as well because I wasnt willing to wait 8 months for delivery of my specifications. I even flew down to Melbourne to pick it up :p
    I ended up paying 51k for RS DSG/Sunroof which is a lot but worth it for me anyway.
    1986 MkII Golf GTI 16V (Sold), 2005 MkV Golf GTI (Sold), 2007 Polo GTI (Sold), 2011 Polo 66TDI (Selling), 2012 Passat 125 TDI Bluemotion, 2013 Scirocco R (Due October!)

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by anarchycamp View Post
    yeah this happened with the MkVs as well...i got one of the first ones available and was aware that it was going to be a bit hit and miss as to what options were on the car. I paid through the nose for it as well because I wasnt willing to wait 8 months for delivery of my specifications. I even flew down to Melbourne to pick it up :p
    I ended up paying 51k for RS DSG/Sunroof which is a lot but worth it for me anyway.
    Agree - did same thing flew from Adelaide to Melbourne to pick up. Had to pay for Sunroof really didn't want just to get colour I wanted and only end up waiting 6 months instead of 10 months.
    Mark 7.5 2018 White Golf R with Driver Assist & Dynaudio packages.
    Polo 77TSI White Comfortline DSG - partner drives
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  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by pologti18t View Post
    How do you figure $8K when the base price is similar to the Golf?
    Mazda have passed on import tariff cut from 10% to 5% already (doesn't come in place until January 1)... which means, RRP I can get a base model MPS for $42k driveaway (price straight from the website - it used to be about $43.5k driveaway before the tariff cut prices).

    Prior to the tariff cut, people were able to get about $2-3k off the RRP driveaway prices quite easily (based on numerous forum posts), so $39-40k driveaway should be quite getable.

    Although I guess, my $8k saving was based on the fact I'd get the 5 door DSG model, which isn't too fair a comparison ($42990 + ~$4k on roads), base model GTI would be $40490 + $4k on roads, so I probably should've said about $5k saving not $8k...

    But yes, I'd prefer a GTI, but saving money (enough for a decent holiday etc) + earlier delivery is an attractive option... I'm still holding hope my local dealer gets allocated a 5 Door white DSG though... but they don't seem to know anything, whilst southern dealers have been doing pre-orders, have mentioned an allocation system, and even have some delivered to their yards!

    I wouldn't mind buying one from interstate, but if they're not going to be doing any discounting, I'll have to pay about $1k - $1.5k extra in delivery costs, or a similar amount in flying down and driving it back up...

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by pologti18t View Post
    How do you figure $8K when the base price is similar to the Golf?

    I'd have to be wondering why a dealership would put 3 demos on?
    Apparently that Dealer was told to by VW Australia.
    MY09 Silver Leaf 118TSI DSG, & MY09 Candy White 103TDI DSG

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonP View Post
    Apparently that Dealer was told to by VW Australia.
    Where do you get that from?

    A dealer is independantly owned, so apart from the fact it would help sales,it can't be told how many demo's to have.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by R1 Crasher View Post
    Where do you get that from?

    A dealer is independantly owned, so apart from the fact it would help sales,it can't be told how many demo's to have.
    My dealer will have 4 demos.
    Mark 7.5 2018 White Golf R with Driver Assist & Dynaudio packages.
    Polo 77TSI White Comfortline DSG - partner drives
    We are a VW family

  10. #30
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    If you have not been given a VIN yet, from all accounts, you have no surety that you will get your car.

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