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Thread: The MK6 Fuel Consumption (Most / Least per Tank) Thread

  1. #111
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    118TSI with DSG, mixture of freeway and bumper to bumper traffic, 413litres and 6453 km. Works out to around a 6.4 l/100km average with it ranging from a best of 5.8 and a worst of 7.6. The consumption has been coming down so I now get in the low 6's most of the time. Rapid acceleration doesn't seem to hurt the economy much unless you start using full throttle. It uses fuel cut down to fairly low revs so minimising use of the brakes and lifting off throttle early coming up to lights gives a real improvement. I probably carry more corner speed than most which is good for economy/fun (bad on tyres though).

  2. #112
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    clubbie, that sounds similar to what I've been getting. I notice you've got the sports pack too. I wonder if the different wheels and suspension makes much of a difference. Or if it's indicative of driving style

    Quote Originally Posted by prise View Post
    118TSI with DSG, mixture of freeway and bumper to bumper traffic, 413litres and 6453 km. Works out to around a 6.4 l/100km average with it ranging from a best of 5.8 and a worst of 7.6. The consumption has been coming down so I now get in the low 6's most of the time. Rapid acceleration doesn't seem to hurt the economy much unless you start using full throttle. It uses fuel cut down to fairly low revs so minimising use of the brakes and lifting off throttle early coming up to lights gives a real improvement. I probably carry more corner speed than most which is good for economy/fun (bad on tyres though).
    That's impressively better than what I've seen. Have you had the 'recall' software update applied to your car? Did it make any difference to fuel usage at all? Also, I presume you're doing mostly long trips? (My drive to work is a bit under 5km, and usually the temperature gauge is only just nudging warm by the time I get there. Always get terrible mileage as a result.)

    Just calculated my overall average, 399L for 5061km gives 7.9L/100km. Probably 90% of that would be non-commuting, i.e. light traffic suburban or highway driving.
    Golf 118 TSI DSG, white with sports pack.

  3. #113
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    Yeah the economy is not sensational as the car just begs to be driven "enthusiastically". LOL

    Funny part is the first fill after delivery was nearly 10l/100km. Made sense with handover and car idling lots. So getting better with each tank.

    Looking forward to Saturday when I am doing a trip to the Riverland and back - about 500k almost all highway. Just filled up tonight so I will fill up when I get back. I am expecting low 6's.
    118TSI - Black Pearl- DSG7 - Sports - Leather - Sunroof - MDI-----here now------

  4. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by cameronp View Post
    Have you had the 'recall' software update applied to your car? Did it make any difference to fuel usage at all? Also, I presume you're doing mostly long trips?
    Yes I've had the recall SW for a couple of months now and its made no difference. I car pool so the car alternates between doing nothing or doing a 42km trip each way plus a few short local trips. The average speed is around 40km/h.

    The following link will give you an idea as to what other owners (mostly in Europe) are getting from a 118 TSI with DSG.
    Last edited by prise; 16-07-2010 at 04:29 PM. Reason: Additional information added

  5. #115
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    I did a search to see what 118TSI DSG overseas owners are averaging (see the following link) and its about 7.7 l/100km.

    Overview: Volkswagen - Golf

  6. #116
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    Interesting site. Using the search function, I compared Superbenzin (95) and Super Plus ( 98 ) between various Mk5 and Mk6 engines, but there doesn't seem to be much difference in consumption rates. The highest average difference I saw was less than 0.25 l/100km.

    And as noted in the 118TSI engine failure thread, if lean-burn has indeed been disabled or deleted for the Australian market, then our consumption rates will be higher than what the Europeans can achieve, given that our petrol is still only Euro 4 (50 ppm sulphur).

    Also, I hope people aren't forgetting to check their tyre pressures, and to add 0.3 bar (4-5 psi) if the car's been driven for more than 2 km.

  7. #117
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    VW's self study material for the dual charger engine mentions homogeneous mode (lambda 1) as a feature of the engine, describes the lambda probe as being the 'step type' and the catalyst as being the normal '3 way type' with no mention of NOx storage. Therefore I don't believe the engine has been designed to run lean burn. If it was running lean burn in other markets then a wide-band lambda probe would be required along with a NOx storage catalyst and there is no evidence of their fitment in other markets.
    Last edited by prise; 17-07-2010 at 08:09 AM. Reason: typo

  8. #118
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    Hmm, I see. That might explain why they changed to the meaning of the acronym TSI from "Twincharged/Turbocharged Stratified Injection" to "Turbo Straight Injection".

  9. #119
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    I checked the data on the OBDII connector for my 118 TSI yesterday and it looks as though the lamda probe has been changed to a wideband type for the current model however there was no evidence of lean burn occurring and in fact on wide open throttle and high revs I saw the lambda drop as far as 0.8. According to a friend who calibrates ECU's for a major manufacturer, the wideband probes only cost the manufacturer 30 dollars or so more than the older step type and enable better control so they are now becoming common fitments.

    The other interesting comment he made was that with a small capacity forced induction engine, the effiiciency benefits from running lean burn are minimal compared to a large capacity naturally aspirated engine and the cost of the expensive NOx storage catalyst can be more easily absorbed in the cost of more upmarket vehicles. This would explain why BMW have gone down the path of lean burn for some of their models although not for the Australian market as our sulphur levels mean that the NOx storage catalyst wouldn't last the distance. I have heard of a grey import 5 series with lean burn running on BP ultimate but until the 5ppm level is mandated (which won't be happening anytime soon) we won't be seeing lean-burn engines downunder.

  10. #120
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    Well just got back and filled up 36l and travelled 503kms at an Average of speed of 89km/h. Dash said 7.2l/100 and actual was just a bit less.

    Not fantastic but the cruise was set to 116km/h which was 110km/h by the GPS. Car has less than 2k on the odo.

    Now 450k's of the kays were highway and the rest city/town (estimated). Was expecting the avg to be in the sixes. BTW I was not driving for economy.

    As per my earlier question is there a way of pulling up litres used on the dash. Cheers.
    118TSI - Black Pearl- DSG7 - Sports - Leather - Sunroof - MDI-----here now------

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