And here's the result of ARMA Tint Box Hill's efforts today....they're just fine, the only thing I'd have a word about is the fact that I dropped it off at 8:30am, expecting a 1pm or so delivery, but I had to call them at 2:30 to be told they were flat stick with delivery cars - if you as a paying customer had organised to come in, wouldn't you take any precedence ?
All said and done, I'm happy with the job - no rattles, no issues. Now it's just a case of DON'T TOUCH THE WINDOW CONTROLS for 2 days
Currently driving 2014 Jeep Cherokee - looking at the 2017 Tiguan 162TSI Highline (Habanero Orange) !
The factory "privacy glass" isn't applied film, its laminated into the glass when its made (when the glass is made)
It works just as well as "tint" or film (in my experience)
Anyone been to Just a Tint? They use a Solar Gard product called Supreme35 which is apparently a bit lighter than Privacy tint, but still with the greenish tint. (Ferntree Gully)
Deep Black Mark VI Comfortline 118 tsi - manual/sports pack, MDI
Can anyone provide opinions and costs on getting Formula One tint at Tint a Car on a Golf with a Sports Package?
It sounds like the it might be the right package but I dont know if they will do decent clear UV on the rear already tinted windows, and what it might cost.
And has anyone had any issues with this tint?
I believe Coastie had it done - so maybe you could PM him. He's the one that posted the 118TSI with sports package and had the clear UV on the rear windows. Not sure who did it though.
Ok, newbie question, besides the sides do people get the rear window tinted when they already have the sports package?
The front sides (i.e. driver and passenger windows) require a 35% tint. The rear side windows as well as the rear window requires a 'clear tint' for heat and 'total' UV blockage (or as close to total as possible). Unfortunately the clear tint is more expensive than regular tint as it usually is made using real gold foil - although so thin that it's "clear".